
Strange Little Girls is the first album she released after W became president. Clinton era - best music, Bush - downward slide, Obama - slow recovery. Now I get it!

I think she just kind of slapped Strange Little Girls together to fulfill an obligation so she could get out of her record contract. That said, there are some good songs but nothing like the quality of covers she has done in the past or since. Especially live.

[expanding on what Two Fucks for Bela said below]
How about this? You can definitely start with Under the Pink but if it doesn't quite grab you, but you want to try another album, then definitely check out Little Earthquakes, Boys for Pele, or From the Choirgirl Hotel. They all sound so different from each other.

I became curious about her music around the time that Boys for Pele was released. I'd seen some of the videos and bits of her live performances (she did MTV Unplugged around that time, too). Under the Pink was the first album of hers that I bought but I had a bit of trouble getting into it at first. I was intrigued

That is what she's saying.

I've seen her live 3 times (in '98, '99, and '02). I'm sad I missed her most recent tour but I haven't been listening to her more recent albums. I only listened to American Doll Posse once, the Christmas album a couple times and haven't heard the others. Still, her live shows were wonderful, energetic, and always had

Sarah keeps trying to rescue Toby and dies again and again and again…

They don't walk, they just glide in and out of life
They never die, they just go to sleep one day

I always loved Elijah Wood in The Adventures of Huck Finn (1993). I watched the director commentary on it one day which was recorded around the time of LOTR so the director would sometimes watch Wood do a scene and just marvel, "this KID!" He was clearly proud of what Wood had done at the time and how well his career

"Was it sudden?"
"No…and yes. It's always sudden."

I don't recall it being physically appalling. The music is great and helps A LOT with tempering the dour mood. Awful stuff happens because it's a Lars von Trier movie but I don't think it's as intense or horrific as his other movies. I haven't seen Anti-Christ so I cannot directly compare. Dancer in the Dark did still


At least watch the first 15 minutes. It also works as a short film. What amazes me is how few people talk about the tear-jerking moment near the end, when he looks at the photo album again. That caught me off-guard. I was prepared to cry at the beginning but I didn't see that moment coming.

"We are Groot"

That was all so devastating. I'm tearing up just thinking about it.

Not super embarrassing but like Josh Modell, I also saw Dancer in the Dark at the Oriental Theatre (I adore that place). I was a Freshman in college at UWM and had gone with my best friend. It was timed so that afterwards we were picked up by my mother who was taking us both home to visit our respective families for

Amelie is too close to Amelia. If you name your son Rory, then you're setting them both up for YEARS of Doctor Who-related, Amy/Rory jokes. For added creep factor, they were a married couple.

I'm young enough that my classmates and I weren't really familiar with Starship's "Sara" but once I was in the working world and regularly amongst people who were older than I, that started to get mentioned to me A LOT. I wouldn't mind if it weren't such a terrible song.
Aside from that, Sara/Sarah is a name I see so

NOOO! I wear hearing aids and due to the placement of the microphone on the aids, regular headphones SUCK for me. I discovered a specially-built hind of phone that are shaped like hooks that go over your ears (instead of ear buds). Simply switch the hearing aids to the FM option and voila, music in my ears! The FM

I had the pleasure of attending Paleyfest last night where they showed us the first half of the two-part season finale. Great episode - very much on par with how good the rest of the season has been. I'm really looking forward to how the second half plays out. Strange to see on the big screen with a room full of