Drew P. Weiner

Sometimes the show creates one-off charaters that are even more reprehensible than SOA (evil dad who hits women and treats daughter like shit) just to give the SOA characters a piece of moral high ground to stand upon.

You didn't imagine it, it was Bobby's ENTIRE STORY ARC from last season! He used to be the voice of reason, now he's blithely executing people as Jax sees fit. And remember, last season was like a month ago in show time.

I think it's twelve gang-bangers for every cop.

And I love how law enforcement isn't busting ass to solve the murder of the local sheriff, who was found shot to death at the scene of ANOTHER homicide.

"OK Jax, word is that you've gone off the deep end in a big way, but I'll overlook that and trust you one more time. Now where'd you say you wanted me and my crime gang to be at a specific time?"

It's like Bobby has completely forgotten his entire storyline from last season. Just mindlessly going along with Jax is at odds with his character, makes no sense.

Throw out everything involving Jax and Gemma and this was a decent episode. Right now they're both just awful, I just can't stand Jax's "ice cold" persona.

True, yet they weren't complete morons and they were always extremely concerned about not getting caught.

I know what you're saying and I don't disagree, however when the plot begins to actually insult your intelligence there's nothing wrong with saying so. It doesn't have to be a prestige drama, but it's not asking too much to have the characters behave in a consistent believable manner.

Yeah, it was fucking weird as well as being really stupid, as now every one of those guys is an accessory to (another) homicide.

The complete lack of a believable and consistent law enforcement presence holds SOA back and renders it cartoonish. There is no conceivable way that the local, state and maybe even federal cops wouldn't be up the club's ass 24/7.

Holy shit, that "Rising Sun" montage was absolutely LOL hilarious, double ham-fisted.

She was, is and always will be totally talentless.

And he lets them finish their conversation too, how thoughtful of him.

Actually they had him cornered and let him go because Jax's son was being kidnapped by small boat.

Apparently some of the black bikers were run off the road by a certain car, a car which "our heroes" believed belonged to the people in that house. Why the woman was armed is a mystery to me though. Bad neighborhood, I guess.

In real life, a few goons loot and torch the Kwik-E-Mart and the riot cops take to the streets with armored vehicles. In Charming, all sorts of law enforcement officers die violent deaths and the DA lets the head of the local biker gang know that his mom has arrived to pick him up. This, along with those

I was sorta hoping the chopper would explode right there at the end, Jack Bauer's last laugh, so to speak. Honestly this was probably one of 24's best ever episodes. Season one had a really dark ending but this one was close.

Agree 100%. My expectations were low going in and every episode proved me wrong.

I've never been much of an Audrey fan and I'm not a huge fan of giving her a central role in the final episode. A little too "damsel in distress" for my tastes.