Drew P. Weiner

I like Kevin and I loved "J&SBSB" but damn, "Clerks 2" was a bad movie. A few great scenes but overall not good.

My favorite all-time "Office" scene is when Creed steals the money he collected and tosses the card in the trash. I really miss that dude.

They got me good. I thought no way, Heller's a goner but the ol' looping video surveillance trick…should have seen that coming. Jack lobbing Margo out the window was awesome. But for just a brief second I thought he was going to use the cable to make a lasso then take the helicopter up and reel in the drone. But

I want Ray Wise to get the top seat, he was underutilized as VP that time.

So how many dead presidents have there been now? Has to be at least four or five, right?

I hear you. 24 has never been the "best" or most…uh…"plausible" show but there's nothing else like it on TV. It's so over-the-top you can't help but overlook its flaws and enjoy it for what it is.

"Hmmm, that's weird. My victims usually float! Where'd he go?"

Good healer, great with kids and thighs that can crack an arms dealer's henchman's neck like a toothpick….(sigh).

"They must be driving rather slowly….wait! There they are!"

And she's terrific with kids, too…..(sigh).

Thousands of people evacuating a big-city hospital immediately after a huge explosion…"wait…there they are!".

Or when "schematics" are needed, 2x if they're needed NOW!

This was one of the most riotous 24s ever. Severed limbs, guys on fire, car chases with missiles, super-duper hi-def cameras, Jack dropping a woman who was just hit by a bus on the ground then dragging her through a hospital that was being blown up, Jack car-Bauering people…wow.

The Who, never got into them at all. "Friends" too, although that's hardly "art".

She's OK as a supporting character but she gets too hammy when she's on screen too often.

You must be referring to the school shooting, which went nowhere fast. Another really bothersome thing about SOA is how it always tries too hard to paint the Sons as the "good guys" even though they're mostly reprehensible scumbags. Like last year, when Jax claimed he was trying to "clean up" the club and wanted them

Steve Little is awesome.

SOA is a show that has its moments, but it just tries to spin way too many plates at once and the end result is unintentional hilarity. And I know she's the show runner's wife but there's just WAY too much Katey Sagal and when she's on screen too much she starts chewing the scenery like a mad woman. Also, no show

I maintain that anyone who wants to "open carry" should be required to do so in a way that leaves the weapon pointed directly at their head, just in case the responsible gun-toter has an "ooopsie".

And also the delusion that they'll "hunker down" at their "well-stocked retreat" while holding the evil military at bay, as if "the military" couldn't pulverize their "retreat" with one well placed missile.