Drew P. Weiner

The assholes who take to the internet to proclain every shooting as a "hoax" should be required to visit the mourge after the next one. Then they can see for themselves.

X was never a real "punk" band, I'd describe them as being sort of a rockabilly-style art rock project.

Of course it did, just interesting how very few people ever actually get shot in air ducts.

The handy "ventilation shaft" strikes again. I love how these contractors who build these ultra-secure factlities always forget to secure those human-sized air ducts with a lock of some sort. And those ducts always seem to foil even the most accurate of marksmen, too. That was a classic 24 moment.

Chris Elliot - TV
Celtic Frost - music
"True Romance" - film

Bon Jovi
Post 1988 Metallica
Adam Sandler

I have to admit I am quite surprised by the grade, as I really didn't dig this one at all. Go figure, eh?

This one was OK, I totally agree with a B- grade. Not a classic but not one I'd automatically ignore if it popped up randomly in syndication or something. I really enjoyed that seven-pack bit though, I always love it when they take shots (pun not intended) at the beer/booze industry, which they did a lot of in this

A somewhat lackluster outing, but that "next week on The Simpsons" bit at the end was great.

The Fonz, he has a gift for attracting the ladies.

I love the one where Oscar undergoes hypnosis to be a neater person and he becomes twice as annoying as Felix ever was. "The fault lies not in our stars but in ourselves".

That "KOTH" episode was awesome, I always enjoyed the Bill/Dale-centric episodes a lot.

I usually have a pretty high tolerance for latter-day episodes but this one sort of lost me. I enjoyed the Milhouse stuff but the rest of it was rather "meh". I'd probably give it a C-minus.

Metalocalypse, not even close.

Man, did the 1960's have some truly batshit insane TV sitcoms or what? Batman, Gilligan's Island, Hogan's Heroes, Bewitched, Green Acres…not one of those shows would have even a slim chance of being aired today. Batman was the weirdest of the lot, though, just incessantly ridiculous. The best one is the one where

See, I agree regarding the small mysteries. But the show deliberately and methodically built itself a mythology and for better or worse they mined a lot of dramatic tension from that mythology, they made it appear to be integral to the plot. I wasn't expecting the final season to directly answer every question, but I

I didn't think the final episode was the problem, it was the entire season that preceded it. The last few minutes were lovely to watch, but it didn't make up for the disappointment I felt regarding how the season as a whole played out.

I felt exactly the same way, like I'd been had. I fully expected to have THE central "mystery" addressed, which was the function of the island itself. Then I learn it's all about these two immortal guys who've been arguing for years over a golden pool and a big cork. Meanwhile, the characters I'd watched for five

And how do the characters "develop" if you take them and put them in an entirely different "reality" right at the climax of the story?

Yes, and along the way in S6 it was impossible not to grow more and more impatient as they ADDED more never-to-be-solved "mysteries" on top of the ones we were waiting on. Like that lighthouse, for example. It doesn't even fit into the basic logic of the show, how would they have not noticed it before? And what was