Drew P. Weiner

And correct me if I'm wrong here but didn't the club send Juice over to check on Tara which is why he showed up there in the first place? Then he vanishes, Tara is dead (along with Roosevelt who Chibs knew had issues with Juice) and no one considers this odd?

I was assuming that the new sheriff had some sort of history with Chibs which would have made sense, but nope.

"Hmmmm, now I'm not sure WHO is lying to me! Better let 'em all live til I figure it out."

Did you see the previews for next week? Juice does turn to someone…but it isn't SAMCRO.

It was nice that the only cop in town FINALLY mentioned that the state and feds would "be all over" a town that's seen three dozen homicides in a few weeks. In reality they would have been swarming that town ten minutes after the local sheriff was gunned down (along with a pediatric surgeon). But at least Charming is

Yes, Bobby's character has been unbelievably inconsistent this season. It was like a month ago (show time) when he took off to get back to what he really wanted to do (ride).

Not only that, but Unser hasn't been able to draw a correlation between Gemma swiping his truck and the murders even though they happened at exactly the same time. Nor has anyone thought to themselves "hey, Juice vanished immediately after those murders, wonder if he knows anything?".

I think KS WANTS Sagal to be "great", however her character isn't really as "nuanced" or "complex" as he may think she is.

Oh yeah, that was the one where Gemma murdered her senile father's caretaker and had Stephen King flush her corpse down the slop sink thus forcing her dad into a nursing home against his wishes. Class act, that Gemma.

Are they supposed to have known each other previously? Because the new sherrif being all hot for Chibs seems rather implausible to me.

I hate how the new sheriff's name had to be Althea just so Gemma could make another crass racial joke at her expense.

And a grenade attack isn't really a big deal because no one was injured. I don't think life works that way.

Especially given that Bobby's entire story arc last season was a desire to escape the violence in Charming.

It's annoying to me because you never SEE Jax "loving" his sons or interacting with them in any way. The extent of his "parenting" consists of thanking people for doing it for him.

I can see that but it doesn't really explain why Bobby would suddenly be OK with implicating himself in dozens of murders all of a sudden.

And wasn't Jax supposed to "turn himself in" just a few weeks ago? What happened there? Did he get a special "your wife was just brutally killed" pardon or something?

"Nothing's more important than my family and those boys. Now let's leave the kids in the care of a teenage drifter who's hot for Rat and the junkie skank everyone hates while we go commit some crimes".

I metioned that last week, without a strong LE foil it's just a cartoon. Tony Soprano had the FBI tailing him everywhere, Walter White had Hank and the DEA, even Kate on Lost had to face up to her fugitive status.

Yeah, it's remarkable how easily forgettable it all is, isn't it? Like how Jax seems to have totally forgotten that his mother got wasted and nearly killed his kids not all that long ago and now trusts her completely and totally.

And they all claim to be willing to "do anything" for the kids…except spend any actual time with them. They seem to mostly be left in the care of a teenage drifter and a woman they refer to as "the junkie".