Drew P. Weiner

Oooh, I HATE that one. There are a few episodes right in the middle of the series that are just WTF?-level bad.

There are some really bad episodes coming but ride 'em out because the last few are totally worth it.

Oh man, that Billy Zane romance with Audrey was just so, so stupid. Not James & Evelyn-level stupid, but still. John Justice Wheeler (or whatever he called himself) was one of the most punchable TP characters. I was hoping his private jet slid off the runway in a huge fireball.

I love the scene where Hugh finally snaps and tells it like it is re: Livia….

The look on Tony's face when Meadow explains why she wants to go into law is one of the most heartbreaking moments in the entire series.

That ending montage is how musical montages should be done, it was utterly brilliant. Kurt Sutter, take notes.

"I hand pick every piece of shellfish myself!"
"Clarified butter, you get a rancid hit of that and…"

While it wasn't entirely unfunny or aggressively bad in any way, the thing that stood out about this episode was how slapdash and thrown-together it was, like they didn't even try to find a common thread and just assumed "Christmas" would suffice. Perhaps they were contractually obligated to deliver a "Xmas special"

A pretty decent episode IMO. Could have done without the dual montages, though. I'd rather have a shorter episode if it meant fewer montages, especially those opening ones. I could have done without the silly car chase too but it's SOA, whaddya gonna do?

SOA has been hitting its stride lately. The early episodes were pretty bad and I didn't have high hopes for the season as a whole put I gotta say it's improved a lot since then. The only balls-out spazzmodic moment was that Clay outburst, the rest of the episode was pretty tight IMO. Enjoying how they're revisiting a

This was a very decent episode, a solid B- at worst. But I guess it's just easier to pull up a copy of the typical "this show has sucked since (insert season here)" review.

Incorrect, it was always awesome.

So was that it for Dethklok? Are they going to leave the show hanging on a cliffhanger (Murderface turning "evil")? It was fun, some great gags, cool songs and big laughs but honestly I would have preferred a "real" espisode.

Ugh, those music montages. Every once in a while they're all well and good but SOA just hits you over the head with 'em and they're always way, way too long too.

There's been this weird undercurrent at times this season that seems to suggest that Kenny doesn't really like Toby very much. Is the feeling mutual?

I recall seeing the coffee mug from that film somewhere….

Another prediction: Season finale, Jax returns home after finally recreating the club in line with his new goals, all happy and satisfied. No one is home. He finds a note on the table…"Dear Jax, I'm sorry, love Tara". Fade to logo.

I enjoyed this one, Unser's "spinning plates" line was classic. Granted, it was a little odd and somewhat disjointed but all in all one of the better efforts of the season IMO. No outrageous brutal violence, no gratuitous sex, no rapes…a refreshing break. I liked Jax's interaction with those fake cops as well as his

"You were a great match for my gun-running, cheating, murderer of a son, that is until you started fooling around with those darned drugs."

And how "good to go" could Clay have possibly been at that point? Perhaps it's different for bikers, but I might have…uh…had some "performance issues" after being beaten with clubs and forced to bang my former wife while being watched by two masturbating weirdos.