Drew P. Weiner

LOL yeah, some "lockdown". They gather everyone associated with the club in one easy-to-bomb location while carelessly accepting mystery deliveries…brilliant. 

Yes, but the thing is that there's already tension between Nero and Gemma, tension that developed organically as a result of Nero feeling as if maybe he's getting himself in too deep with SOA and the conflict he feels regarding the businesses they're into. No need to pile (another) rape on top of it too. 

Occasionally it's cool but yeah, a whole season's worth of them is too much.

He tries WAY too hard to find drama for the Gemma character. Every season since the third he spoils the character's organic development by throwing some huge trauma at her for no reason.

I'm not quite at that point yet but I do know exactly what you mean. It's like how I used to watch 90210, just waiting for the moment where I'd laugh out loud at the latest dopey development.

Re: "Oz"…totally. I was expecting Ryan O'Reilly to stroll into Clay's cell and offer to help him double-cross the Irish in exchange for helping him move some "tits".

It couldn't have been telegraphed any better (or worse, depending on your point of view). Likewise Jax racing out of the building carrying the kid, when doesn't the "hero" ever manage to just miss getting blown up in a scene like that?

Tara was looking good last night, those boots really work on her. Anyone else flash on Adriana from "Sopranos" when Wendy began having doubts about her underhanded scheming? Plus the leopard print scarf is totally something Ade would have worn, too.

It was just totally pointless. There's already tension between Clay and Gemma and Nero and Gemma, organic tension springing from numerous events that haven't been completely resolved yet. Sutter is like a circus juggler asking the crowd to throw him yet another ball to keep in the air. 

The scene between Gemma and Clay was working just fine until that patented FX "strong sexual content" was unleashed. Didn't they just do a "coerced sex" angle last season with Gemma, Nero and his sister? Sometimes SOA tries way, way too hard to find dramatic subplots for Gemma, you know? It's all so (pardon the

I didn't get a serious racial vibe from Kenny's awesome takedown either. Despite Guy's "minstrel show" crack, I thought his issue with Dontel was quite clearly the way Dontel was hogging all the spotlight and making "Sports Sesh" about him. Dontel was the one trying to make it about race, but Kenny didn't bite. 

That cornball musical "training montage" was hysterical, especially so as it was for a sports TALK show as opposed to just a sport. The way this show has taken a loathesome asshole of a man and turned him into a character you cannot help but root for is nothing short of amazing.

Hmmm, that would be an intriguing development. Hope it happens, the show needs to shake up the whole Jax/Tara/Gemma thing IMO.

Yeah, 6a wasn't spectacular or anything but it wasn't some kind of total debacle either.

I seriously doubt they'll kill Tig off right now. It'll no doubt eventually turn out to be part of the grand plan Jax masterminded to vanquish all of their enemies in one fell swoop.

I agree. Bobby is the most likeable guy on the show now. He wasn't into the constant death and violence, he just wants to ride his motorcycle and have fun. I likewise find the notion of Bobby making sure he does everything "officially" to be kind of cute in its own outlaw way.

The funniest thing was when Toric left the "do not disturb" sign on the door. You know, to keep housekeeping from finding the dead hooker in the bathtub and all.  

Thanks for clarifying re: Walt and Gretchen. It's been a while since I've seen that one. It never was explained exactly what happened there, perhaps we find out in the finale.

That's why those kinds of comments are best ignored, just like how I used to ignore the dolts who got angry when Tony Soprano wasn't "whacking" enough people for their tastes. I hate to sound pretentious but I think that sometimes the best TV dramas go sailing over a lot of people's heads, quite frankly.

He used some of that cash to buy a car.