Drew P. Weiner

Classic case of trying/thinking too hard. That article is looking for something that just isn't there, although I suppose anyone's free to interpret any art as they please, so there is that. "Skyler is a bitch" only existed on internet message boards and I personally don't know anyone who "loathed" Jesse for "being

Ahh yes, Gretchen, Elliot and Grey Matter. The company Walt founded with his old pal Elliot and the woman he loved, who (at least in his mind) betrayed him and wounded his fearsome pride beyond repair…until he discovered the world of methamphetamine, that is. Now that two-timing Gretchen and that filthy sneak Elliot

I was actually happy to see the G&E story resurface now. Whatever happened between the three of them (primarily Gretchen winding up with Elliot) was a huge part of why Walt started his big meth scheme in the first place. In Walt's mind his plight (as the series began) was their fault and it ate away at his pride. So

"Guess you're just not that good, Will Hunting". Sorry, couldn't resist.

Chibs is awesome and I'm really hoping that his frustration with Jax's poor leadership goes somewhere. Right now Chibs is doing a great job with selling it, so I'd just like to see that plot point go somewhere, and soon.

I'm hoping Tara is serious this time. IMO it'll really suck if it's all just part of another scheme, if Jax is never forced to confront the consequences of his actions what is the point?

Agree totally. Jax's only real motivation seems to be protecting his club…a club whose rules he doesn't always feel like observing and one whose membership is constantly dwindling mostly due to his poor leadership.

No, not at all. I would, however, like to see it become a show that doesn't endlessly recycle the same ideas every season and keep the plates spinning until it all comes together in a huge explosion of ridiculous contrivances, that's all. It's still a fun and entertaining show nonetheless.

Relax, pal, no need to get all butthurt and stangry, just having some fun with a trope SOA trots out at least once a season.

"I'm so glad you're out of jail, Tara. After watching my best friend die in jail, I realized nothing is more important to me than family. I'm getting out of the crime business and going legit, for the good of my club and my family. Nothing means more to me than you and my boys.

Based on what I've learned about New Hampshire from "The Sopranos", Walt will find himself in a quaint, sexual preference-tolerant small town full of simple, humble and stylish volunteer firefighters, adorable antique shops and absolutely fabulous pancakes. Although after a few weeks he'll yearn for "the life" he left

OK, this show could bomb horribly and never be mentioned again, but does anyone really doubt that there's a market out there for this sort of thing? A lot of folks love "morning zoo"- type "zingers" and obnoxious, totally random "one-liners". They're not laughing at race-based gags out of a sense of irony, they're

My take on the Grey Matter storyline was that Walt bailed on Grey Matter because of Gretchen getting together with Elliot. There was an opening scene a few years back with Walt and Gretchen in a classroom where they were obviously an "item", as they say. Walt felt humilated and cashed out, way too soon as it turned

Well, he DID have a reason to give a fuck, she threatened Walt into giving Jesse his cut of the money from a first Fring deal, a deal nearly ruined by Jesse's drug use. And not only was she bad for the partnership, but she knew too much and couldn't be trusted. So while he didn't kill her, he did definitely let her

Not only did Jane turn Jesse on to IV drugs, but she also directly threatened Walt into handing over Jesse's cut of the first Fring deal, a deal that was nearly ruined thanks to Jane and Jesse's drug binge. Walt let her die for Jesse's and the partnership's own good. She was a loose end, she knew too much, had a big

It's like any affection he still may have had for Jesse was forever extinguished by breaking their partnership pact, a bond Walter considered sacred. I'd actually be sort of suprised if Walt returns to save Jesse, I think that as far as Walt's concerned Jesse is dead to him now.

Watching poor Walt Jr. crumble was sad beyond words. His initial reaction, then his increasing astonishment and terror after learning that his father killed his uncle Hank, it was just crushing watching his innocence being completely destroyed. Walt Jr, idolized his dad, recall how he immediately sided with him when

It isn't about the money for Todd. He desperately wants to impress Lydia by making a quality batch of Heisenberg Blue.

I think SOA would benefit from some shorter in-season character arcs as opposed to giving everyone their own season-long arc. Like Juice, for example, there was really no reason to shoehorn his story in there, it could have waited a few episodes. Likewise the somewhat pointless Otto scene.

You'd think it would be pretty difficult to gain access to a certifiable lunatic like Otto at this point, given how he's found ways to assault and/or murder everyone in his path.