Drew P. Weiner

Letting Zobelle go was the most baffling moment in the show's run. All they needed to do was to shoot the guy, they had him cornered with no escape. Then Jax calls and instead of whipping out their guns and popping the guy they just turn around and leave him, thus negating an entire season's story arc for no good

Why WOULD she want her biker vest-clad husband lurking around the courtroom, scaring everyone with his biker-ness?

It was absurd, I mean I realize they were supposed to be "evil pornographers" and all but seriously, she looked like she just stepped on a land mine.

Good question, but his drug problem will CLEARLY end up being his downfall somehow. My guess is that SOA will find out about it and exploit it to either kill him or destroy his credibility somehow, otherwise what's the point of it?

Yeah, I mean how much more can the Tara character endure before she finally says "fuck this" and bails on the whole lot of them? A gifted pediatric surgeon with two kids is having her entire life ruined thanks to her husband's undying loyalty to his club, which at this point consists of maybe ten guys. Why would Tara

I agree, it COULD be the springboard event that leads to SAMCRO seriously questioning their purpose. I think it'll surely lead to Nero dumping Gemma and leaving the SOA circle for good, but in my opinion it needs to go further than that. There has to be a point where the main characters here step back and say "whoa,

The musical montages are OK here and there but yeah, they really don't need one to close out EVERY episode.

In my opinion, the school shooting has to lead to Jax and SOA seriously re-thinking who and what they are, that being a criminal organization where everyone will either end up dead or in prison. If it just becomes yet another situation Jax and the gang have to wiggle out of, well yeah, that WILL blow.

Anyone else find the Lila thing a little silly? I mean she looked like a refugee from war-torn Bosnia or something, it seemed a little over the top to me. I do always get a kick out of those scenes where the Sons play morality police though, such a bunch of lovable do-gooders.

Metallica only did one major big-venue tour with Cliff, 1986 opening for Ozzy. Prior to that they did the mid-size club venue circuit, saw them in 1985 in Brooklyn. They did a lot of bigger shows in Europe, those giant festival shows they do every summer. They became very popular overseas early on, helped them hone

John Semley: I bought KEA the day it was released…from Jon Zazula himself. Saw them a week or two later, August '83, at a roller rink, opening for Raven. Stood maybe twelve feet from Cliff Burton's side of the 'stage' (a small platform, actually). Good fucking times. 

Child prostitution. Tootie gets lost on the city and is befriended by a girl who, as fate would have it, is a teen prostitute who's trying to convince Tootie to "party" with her and her pimp.

I remember the kidnapping one, and the Nancy Reagan one, and the one where Willis buys weed too.

"Diff'rent Strokes" was always annoying. I especially hated the joke they'd always use when one of Mr. Drummond's privilged white cohorts would ask re: who the two little black kids were and he'd wait a beat, then deadpan, "They're my sons!".

Adam Sandler is the Tom Batiuk of cinema.

That homie's dead, he just don't know it yet. 

See, I'm not usually as tough on "latter season" Simpsons episodes as most and I feel this hasn't been a terrible season by any means. But yeah, this one blew. A smattering of small chuckles here and there at best, a rather lifeless and redundant outing. Not in the "25 worst all-time" but definitely toward the

I wonder if the show will continue on long enough to see that come full-circle again. Saying that "the Simpsons have sucked since season X" has become as much of a national institution as the show itself. Will it exist long enough to establish a group of "hater"-haters?

This was a halfway-decent latter-day Simpsons episode, although I could have done without the somewhat dated hologram reference. Still, I don't mind the calllbacks to ancient characters, they've earned the right. And Moe's suicidal tendencies have been a running gag for years and years so there wasn't anything

Indeed, it's been a running gag for a long, long time. "A tall building! That's a GREAT way to do it!". His head in the oven with a "No Funeral" note taped to his back. Great gags.