Drew P. Weiner

It really WAS a sort of twisted show, a fact that's been kind of forgotten over time. Innocent little Beav, constantly at odds with the realities and lies of "adult life", perpetually in terror of getting into "trouble" somehow. And Eddie Haskell, too.

I liked Clay's reaction too, but really, if they want to go down the "Gemma still deep down loves him" route they might try a tad more subtle approach IMO.

I liked Clay's reaction too, but really, if they want to go down the "Gemma still deep down loves him" route they might try a tad more subtle approach IMO.

Sometimes it's as if this show has no idea what to do with the female characters unless they're a) in peril b) being "old ladies" or c) sex workers. Seriously the "Gemms'a latest machinations to get her way" plots are tiresome. And isn't it weird hearing Adrianna talking in her regular voice?

Sometimes it's as if this show has no idea what to do with the female characters unless they're a) in peril b) being "old ladies" or c) sex workers. Seriously the "Gemms'a latest machinations to get her way" plots are tiresome. And isn't it weird hearing Adrianna talking in her regular voice?

This was my assumption too. Now I assume Gemma will eventually ask Clay to "help" Nero because it was all her fault.

This was my assumption too. Now I assume Gemma will eventually ask Clay to "help" Nero because it was all her fault.

Sometimes, thinking too much can be a bad thing.

Sometimes, thinking too much can be a bad thing.

"Snake, be a dear and zip Mommy up?".

"Snake, be a dear and zip Mommy up?".

Yes, and I also noticed she's still in "I love Jax but I'm increasingly concerned about his felonious lifestyle, seedy pals and vicious shrew of a mother" mode. As if she has any other mode to fall back on. 

Yes, and I also noticed she's still in "I love Jax but I'm increasingly concerned about his felonious lifestyle, seedy pals and vicious shrew of a mother" mode. As if she has any other mode to fall back on. 

OZ was great for about a season and a half, then it just became absurd. It was still fun to watch, though. 

OZ was great for about a season and a half, then it just became absurd. It was still fun to watch, though. 

I always thought that if I was ever sentenced to a stint in Em City, I'd try to get on team O'Reilly. Definitely not Team Vern or (God forbid) Team "Others".

I always thought that if I was ever sentenced to a stint in Em City, I'd try to get on team O'Reilly. Definitely not Team Vern or (God forbid) Team "Others".

I've always felt SOA made the retard leap as soon as they let season two's arch-villain go because some Irish guy swiped Jax's baby and fled on a small motorboat. It's been soap-operatic ever since.

I've always felt SOA made the retard leap as soon as they let season two's arch-villain go because some Irish guy swiped Jax's baby and fled on a small motorboat. It's been soap-operatic ever since.

There was an otherwise inexplicable (until tonight) scene last season involving Tig and his daughter, which established that Tig was one of those sociopaths who deep, deep down was actually a big softie with a heart of gold. You know the kind I mean.