Drew P. Weiner

There was an otherwise inexplicable (until tonight) scene last season involving Tig and his daughter, which established that Tig was one of those sociopaths who deep, deep down was actually a big softie with a heart of gold. You know the kind I mean.

Yeah, but then again when ISN'T something bad happening to Unser? The punishment this guy takes on behalf of that motorcycle gang is never-ending.

Yeah, but then again when ISN'T something bad happening to Unser? The punishment this guy takes on behalf of that motorcycle gang is never-ending.

Same old "Sons", always spinning those plates furiously. The trick to watching and enjoying this show is to not put too much attention into it. You're not going to find a lot of nuance, hidden meaning and deep subtexts with these characters, it's a straight-pulp biker soap opera and nothing more. Most of the

Same old "Sons", always spinning those plates furiously. The trick to watching and enjoying this show is to not put too much attention into it. You're not going to find a lot of nuance, hidden meaning and deep subtexts with these characters, it's a straight-pulp biker soap opera and nothing more. Most of the

"We're gonna make a lot of money together"…same thing Tuco said.

"We're gonna make a lot of money together"…same thing Tuco said.

I checked out the first episode fully expecting to loathe it. And I did, in a way, but in another much dumber way it was actually kind of hilarious, sad and, if you've ever been to Seaside, pretty darned accurate. Season one was a real goof, but then they became self-aware caricatures of themselves and the, uh,

I checked out the first episode fully expecting to loathe it. And I did, in a way, but in another much dumber way it was actually kind of hilarious, sad and, if you've ever been to Seaside, pretty darned accurate. Season one was a real goof, but then they became self-aware caricatures of themselves and the, uh,

I can't believe I actually got that joke.

I can't believe I actually got that joke.

Yes and based on his interactions with the bank manager it was a system they'd been using for a while. The big box, however, was for his granddaughter on her 18th birthday. Thus there'd be no need to stagger the payments.

Yes and based on his interactions with the bank manager it was a system they'd been using for a while. The big box, however, was for his granddaughter on her 18th birthday. Thus there'd be no need to stagger the payments.

Walt's "Heisenberg" routine, awesome as it was, really puts him in a position where he's working for them now. As we know, Walt does NOT respond well to taking orders, following the chain of command and that sort of thing. Not to mention the fact that as of right now his "empire" consists of himself, Todd and his

Walt's "Heisenberg" routine, awesome as it was, really puts him in a position where he's working for them now. As we know, Walt does NOT respond well to taking orders, following the chain of command and that sort of thing. Not to mention the fact that as of right now his "empire" consists of himself, Todd and his

I tend to agree. In fact I don't think anyone's safe right now, you get the feeling that anyone who dares to get in his way is fair game for Walt right now. 

I tend to agree. In fact I don't think anyone's safe right now, you get the feeling that anyone who dares to get in his way is fair game for Walt right now. 

It's always been about the power for Walt. He loved the power that his Heisenberg persona brought him. Heisenberg didn't work for anyone else, he called the shots, he decided what was what. Then when he went back to working for someone else, he was utterly miserable and defeated again. Now that he has the power again,

It's always been about the power for Walt. He loved the power that his Heisenberg persona brought him. Heisenberg didn't work for anyone else, he called the shots, he decided what was what. Then when he went back to working for someone else, he was utterly miserable and defeated again. Now that he has the power again,

RE: Springsteen. You guys have any suggestions on how I can get him to like me? Cuz I really really really like him but he doesn't even notice me.