Drew P. Weiner

"Supposedly" his "wife" made him burn those Polaroids. Like everything else Kiss says, though, it could be bullshit and probably is.

The thing about Walt is that he's been being a complete lying weasel since day one of his meth escapades (methcapades?). It's just that now he isn't even trying to fake remorse most of the time, like he did so adeptly in the past. 

The thing about Walt is that he's been being a complete lying weasel since day one of his meth escapades (methcapades?). It's just that now he isn't even trying to fake remorse most of the time, like he did so adeptly in the past. 

Just my opinion but I've always felt that this is definitely going to be the kind of show where nobody gets a happy ending, literally or figuratively (except possibly Saul). Heisenberg's rise took place over the course of a year, his fall could do so too. One thing is clear: with that weapon he has no chance of going

Just my opinion but I've always felt that this is definitely going to be the kind of show where nobody gets a happy ending, literally or figuratively (except possibly Saul). Heisenberg's rise took place over the course of a year, his fall could do so too. One thing is clear: with that weapon he has no chance of going

Yeah, Todd is a total nut-case/born criminal-type. Jesse, Walt, even Mike have all shown remorse when they've killed people, but Todd didn't hesitate and had no emotion about it at all. That makes him potentially useful to a criminal organization, but also very dangerous to have around. He's going to end up costing

Yeah, Todd is a total nut-case/born criminal-type. Jesse, Walt, even Mike have all shown remorse when they've killed people, but Todd didn't hesitate and had no emotion about it at all. That makes him potentially useful to a criminal organization, but also very dangerous to have around. He's going to end up costing

Definitely some validity to this. In "Crawl Space" Walt was once again fucked-over by circumstances he couldn't fully control (Skyler) and furthermore, once again by the "woman he loved" (like with Gray Matter). He can't (and doesn't) fully trust or respect her anymore, she's no more than a useful accomplice (and

Definitely some validity to this. In "Crawl Space" Walt was once again fucked-over by circumstances he couldn't fully control (Skyler) and furthermore, once again by the "woman he loved" (like with Gray Matter). He can't (and doesn't) fully trust or respect her anymore, she's no more than a useful accomplice (and

Skyler cooked Ted's books, she lied to the IRS on his behalf, she gave her sister drug money to use towards Hank's rehab, she indirectly caused Ted's "accident" and she's laundering Walt's meth money via a car wash she obtained through shady means. The thing is, when Skyler "broke bad" she began to realize that the

Skyler cooked Ted's books, she lied to the IRS on his behalf, she gave her sister drug money to use towards Hank's rehab, she indirectly caused Ted's "accident" and she's laundering Walt's meth money via a car wash she obtained through shady means. The thing is, when Skyler "broke bad" she began to realize that the

No, I think it's annoying too and I'm practically completely sober (or thereabouts). Walter's thirst for power and total control is one of if not the central theme of the show. How any reviewer could go into this show not realizing that is beyond me, it's been glaringly obvious since the pilot, really.

No, I think it's annoying too and I'm practically completely sober (or thereabouts). Walter's thirst for power and total control is one of if not the central theme of the show. How any reviewer could go into this show not realizing that is beyond me, it's been glaringly obvious since the pilot, really.

Definitely. For example, they rarely ever mention any of the other precursor chemicals they need, some of which would probably be pretty difficult to purchase in bulk. But whatever, it's just TV, not science class, right?

Definitely. For example, they rarely ever mention any of the other precursor chemicals they need, some of which would probably be pretty difficult to purchase in bulk. But whatever, it's just TV, not science class, right?

He's missing one of the main points of the show. Yes, Walt did start cooking meth to provide for his family if he died, true enough. But he also loved the power that his Heisenberg persona gave him. In his mind, he'd endured enough and he wasn't taking shit from anyone anymore: not the punks goofing on his son, not

He's missing one of the main points of the show. Yes, Walt did start cooking meth to provide for his family if he died, true enough. But he also loved the power that his Heisenberg persona gave him. In his mind, he'd endured enough and he wasn't taking shit from anyone anymore: not the punks goofing on his son, not

It's the new ricin cigarette. 

It's the new ricin cigarette. 

Agreed, plus there's no reason for anyone to suspect that the jar has anything to do with the missing kid.