
Why did it take us all so bong to get to the pun thread?

Are you…are you me?

So it's an aircraft carrier that floats in the sky? I'm so confused anymore.

Are you me?

If I were a mogul, rich off of bad pizza my attitude would have been "14 cents? Hmm…25 cents! Let's all have health insurance!!"

I hope they do a "Watch This" about that one!!

Have you listened to Carrie and Lowell? It's actual music, as opposed to actual music with 18 minutes of robot noises.

And said predictions are getting really annoying.


Because it was pretty memorable (and two days before my birthday). I was shitfaced at a Wu-Tang concert at First Avenue and the guy in front of me happened to be smoking a joint.
The rest…is history.

That's the ninth anniversary of me smoking weed for the first time!

Truly, he is.


No, this is my AV Club account. Jay Sherman is my Disqus account. Whenever I want to do community voting on here I need to use this account, and afterwards getting back to my Disqus account is a hassle.

Gosh you are hungry.

wtf is breakfast lol

Donnie Darko and a novel called Just Like Heaven. Great job, Amazon algorithm!

I genuinely like the Cure/Commodores mash-up.

*looks up Coney Island whitefish*
