


Anamolisa! I just hope the movie is anywhere near as good as the trailer.

I will have you know that my mom isn't particularly attractive, nor, despite what she sometimes seems to think, is she funny.

As well they should.

I would!

The AV Club

The honkys?

The clamps!

Unfortunately, yes.

It is now on my list. Thank you!

The Stonewall is one of the places I want to visit the next time I'm in New York City. Another is Ellis Island, now that I'm old enough to appreciate it.

William, because you referred to Benedict Cumberbatch as frog-faced, I now love you.


Well of course! That should be "Hot Young Come Sluts Seven".

I prefer "come" for the same reasons you do. "I prefer come" Tee hee.

"You can't fool me there ain't no sanity clause."

I don't like glitter. It's coarse and irritating and it gets everywhere.


I've seen him in concert twice, two of the best shows I've ever seen (especially the second one which was at a somewhat small club). I was expecting it to be one of those hip-hop concerts with "Uh huh, yeah!" and him talking about weed, but he actually performs!