
From what I little I know about the book, it sounds like the kind of role that could give Steve Martin a career again.

How's the gentrification (boo) and public transportation (yay)? I moved to Seattle six months ago and I'm giving Boulder or Denver serious thought.

It can be two things!

I had a Barbie as a kid. Oftentimes she didn't wear a shirt.


Dirty dirty dirty!

"Hey we're cool, you should give us money to talk about your show."
*gets money* "Ha ha fuck you we're almost never mentioning you!!" *skips off gleefully*

I love that movie!

Damn! His science is too tight!

Does anyone want to switch seats??

A peek behind the curtain!

They're in the Bag Hutch.

*gets off your lawn *

Redhead American Gillian.


Goddamnit now I have to change my mental image of you. Until now it's pretty much been Bender with black hair and a big dick.

That's Fred Gwynne.

You always thought correctly.

I like that we're calling him DPerks now.

I'm Gumby damn it!