She ate a pie made of poop!
She ate a pie made of poop!
Yeah, what a bunch of jerky jerk-jerks around here.
I agree!
He's had kind of a split decision about it. He just couldn't wrap his head around the details of the case.
The defendant had a truly crazy reason for placing that woman in harm's way. You might even say they had a "loco motive."
Yeah, that was my thought. Complete fantasy on my part based in no way on fact, just something that ran through my brain.
Yeah, I know.
For some reason the other day I was thinking about how his son was murdered several years ago, and how messed up it would be if it came out that it was somehow related to Cosby's shady dealings with women. Like revenge from an angry family member or something.
*cues up Dick Dale's "Misirlou" as Vape Fiction title card displays*
No, he just returned to his home planet of Scumdogia, located far past Uranus.
Wait, inside, between. SO CONFUSED.
"Oh good grief!"
You got it, dude!
Re-productive, amirite, fellows?
Jah Shrugged.
Sick rape joke, brah.
How much do I appreciate Smashing Pumpkins puns? Zero. Zero much.
See it. It's a silly parody of those summer camp movies from the 70's and 80's. Worth watching for some good gags. It won't change your life, but it's good for some laughs.
I'm gonna go smear some mud on my ass.