Squeezer to the dome!
Squeezer to the dome!
Hmm. That's quite the typo. Arnie was supposed to play Colossus, but we'll just go with your version.
If Joel Schumacher is directing, then yes.
True, but we were 12. All people over 12 were old.
Here's a fun thing to do when I was 12: back in the early 90's, there were schoolyard rumors of an X-Men movie in the works. Friends and I used to dream up fantasy casts for the movie, but of course they were based on actors who were popular (and much younger) at the time. Here are some of the ones I can remember:
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It's time to Batman to start dancing again when you someone eat it.
I flagged the hell out of some heinous crap this weekend, had no idea it was still going on until I got to this article. I hate Disqus (obviously), but at least it lets you flag in real time as soon as that freak starts spamming.
I'll bet you're a real hoot at parties.
Goo goo ga joob.
Alternate title for the exhibit: It's Always Creepy in Philadelphia
The bus? The bus is for squares! All the Young Dudes are hitchhiking, grandpa!
Yes, by then we're certain to see some ch-ch-Changes.
Hopefully some enterprising Young Americans will come in and revitalize the area.
RIP, Detroit. Ashes to Ashes, and all that.
Poor Detroit. That city is way past its Golden Years, isn't it?
Yeah, I enjoyed it. It helps that I have known people just like Rudd's character from those short days long ago where I pretended to be a hippie. Stupid college!
No, Chris Thile actually has talent, so Mumford & Sons would have no use for him.