Headless Body in Topless Bar

"Chrissie Hynde says it’s a thin line and all that.."

Upvoted for bathroom stall vocals.


Ah, those nurses I keep trying to forget about…

You mean Flora?

Two episodes in and this season was looking earnest and camp-free. Two episodes later and all bets are off, thanks to healthy doses of Bates, O'Hare, Jordan and Gaga.

Also: Gatsby escapes from Queens and makes it over a bridge (or through a tunnel) all the way to Lower Manhattan, ending up in Tompkins Square Park.

Was that Amy Madigan playing the role of Irene? She's aged, but her acting was superb. Stellar.

My thoughts (almost) exactly.

How do you point out the season's "sinister subtext for black Americans" and manage not to mention Mason's fate anywhere in the review?

I'm guessing you're replying to me but not actually talking to me, since I love Transparent (see my other comment from three days ago) despite/because of how flawed the main characters are.

Wasn't that belly dancer the angry girlfriend from the first episode who was taking belly dancing classes?

What pushes Girls over the limit for me is that I'm from NY.

Very intentional.

Loving this show has helped me understand why some people adore Girls. But I'm still not going to watch Girls.


It's brilliant, and the characters are annoying all the time.

Most annoying: Jo.

I'm sorry, but JO IS THE WORST. Much worse than Maggie.

I also thought that it might be Eve…