Headless Body in Topless Bar

No, she's done it from time to time in the past couple of seasons.

Mrs S's impending doom was mainly signaled by the fact that she has never looked as good as she did in this episode (see photo above): impeccable hair, stunning makeup and dressed to the nines. They were giving her a very glamorous send-off. Classy.

Maybe he's shirtless on GLOW…?

I thought one of them was going to be made into a zombie at the party, all that drinking and hugging could have led to an inadvertent scratch…or something.

I have never gotten the love for what he does in 12 Monkeys. That was right in the middle of the period where I thought he truly sucked.

No, yes, sigh, okay.

I thought he was horrible in his early days, but around the time of Fight Club/Snatch/Ocean's Eleven I began to appreciate him as an actor. He's had some stumbles since then, but he's been pretty reliable.

Thank God.

I'm gonna start calling her Mrs Schuester.

Megan could also fall for her mother's younger man. (Remember that?)

Thank God.

Frat Boy Liv!!!


Agree. Watching the mess of the first half paid off in the midseason finale. But the review is correct about this: "Going into the second half of the season, it’s pointless to keep skewering the show for its clashing story points. Because, let’s face it, those elements don’t seem to be going away anytime soon."

Wasn't that already revealed in the first half of the season?

Sam Waterston is amazing in this. It's taken a couple of seasons for the writing (and some viewers I know) to catch up to what he's doing, but he's always been excellent.

"It throws out explosive revelation after explosive revelation, then leaves it to the reader to determine which have merit, if any, and which are the ravings of a drug-addicted man-child in the midst of a downward spiral."

If we don't start getting more Fitz shirtless scenes, I'm afraid Tony Goldwyn will stop working out and then it'll be too late.

Sign o' the Times, side 2. Any '70s Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye.

Pretty sure the Hesbys are siblings, not a mother and her two sons. That was clear from the dialogue, if not the ages of the actors. There's only a fourteen-year span between the three of them.