Headless Body in Topless Bar


And yet I know people who couldn't name a single song or the individual band members. No joke.

But it was the best thing about the episode.

A bit of pudgy is all.

Any weed, you mean. Poor thing was doing the show cold turkey.

Season One (which I'm semi-binging now) is like Castle + Sleepy Hollow with a side order of the dynamic between Eric & Pam on True Blood. YMMV.

That's your definition of Kevin, which—big surprise—I don't cop to.

It wasn't the plot that was the (only) problem with Coven, it was the execution.

Asylum - a mess, but it "worked."

I love Evan Rachel Wood, but she really is the Queen of Resting Bitch Face.

Could never hate Kevin because I totally got him. Probably because I was/am Kevin in many respects. Which I guess makes me a dick, according to the consensus.

"It's as if Patrick's whiteness spilled all over the series."

I've read since that Variety article that a second season has been confirmed.

He's always been like a teenaged Ken Marino to me.

Sorry, but any episode they appear in automatically goes down a grade for me unless the rest of the episode is perfect. Pointless characters, pointless storyline. So A- tonight.

But he's such a priss. Needs a lust interest stat.

HATE him. HATE HATE HATE him and his prissy self.


I'm addicted to you/Don't you know that you're toxic?

Just call her the Revenant ("I'm sure that hat ain't store-bought").