
Anyone have any thoughts on the graphics on the wall in Constance's hotel room? The ones that look like vaginas, sort of? Everyone has mentioned the symbols at the bar, but not these.

Also, nobody ever mentions The Weirdos and their rockabilly roots, but they were another fantastic overlooked L.A. band, 1st Gen Punk band that deserves a mention.

I believe Dex must be on some heavy psych meds, which just breaks my heart. There used to be a clip on YouTube, I believe from MTV's Cutting Edge, an interview with a very young and wild Dex giving the grand tour of his pad, The Mausoleum, showing off all his cool Victorian shit and record collection, and he is

All roots-based bands, but, while X has a lot of Rockabilly-influenced guitars, both groups were so much more than that. Still, Gun Club, X and The Cramps were my favorite L.A.-based bands back then (and now) (Yes, I know The Cramps didn't start there, but they spent most of their careers there)

You're overthinking… Deadwood had a taciturn Chinese character named Wu who would help Swearingen out periodically with inconvenient corpse disposal by feeding them to his pigs.

The women's costuming is ridiculous. It looks like Sexy Pirate Wench from The Halloween Store. Ruffled short-shorts? Leg warmers? Mullet minidresses? Just hideous.

Also, the actor who plays George Remus showed up riding the power motor at the abandoned school.

Did anyone catch what was going on in the one photo at Dora Lange's mother's house, the one Cohle glances at a couple times? It was a young Dora, in a woodsy area surrounded by several blurry people on horseback, with tall, Klan-type hoods, or nooses around their necks with the ropes suspended vertically, or something

When the camera pans up through the burned rafters, facing the wall with the painting, I'm pretty sure you could see the owl's back through the timbers.

Thanks. I assumed Liebling was connected to the foreclosure and I missed Richard dropping the bank notice. That clears it up.

I'm hella confused about the Harrow situation. Was it merely coincidence that the guys he was hired to kill are the same ones foreclosing on the family farm? Is there some other connection I don't get yet? Huh???

Conor vomite into the drawer because he had just downed a giant glass of booze, on top of pizza.

I'm probably thinking of one of those baby shower guys. Spanish, Russian, Greek… I was probably fifteen when I read it… (shrugs)

All the Rosemary's Baby references in the past few episodes! I've noticed yet another: Pete takes over the Chevy account from Ken after Ken gets shot in the eye. Rosemary's husband, Guy, takes over a huge role he was up for that went to another actor who is mysteriously stricken blind, after Guy promises the witches

Loved Adam waiting in the restaurant for his blind date to show up, picking up the dunce cap-folded napkin with his teeth and dangling it.

Actually, a lot of it is the hair and the 'stache. Mendelsohn cleans up to look more conventionally attractive, while Taylor is always a bit odd-looking, which I find more interesting. Mendelsohn kind of resembles Gary Oldman, with a shave and a haircut. But here? Separated at birth.

Glad I'm not the only one who mistook him for Noah Taylor! But the father was played by Ben Mendelsohn, another Aussie with a basset hound face..

I'm pretty sure that publication was making fun of Jane Pratt and xoJane, who employ Cat Marnell, notorious for writing about her over the top drug excesses.

Good call, Lefse tastes as much like coffee filters as it resembles them. But that's still a sight better than Lutefisk. I don't think there's any way to improve on that fine, bleachy flavor.

Good call, Lefse tastes as much like coffee filters as it resembles them. But that's still a sight better than Lutefisk. I don't think there's any way to improve on that fine, bleachy flavor.