
So, judging from next week's coming attractions, do we think Regina the Dog is a goner?

So, judging from next week's coming attractions, do we think Regina the Dog is a goner?

I'm pretty sure it was his wife, mother and two daughters. I know folks assume they were sisters, but he's mentioned a wife previously, and there's no way a guy like that would put up with a mere sister nagging and haranguing him like that`without throwing it back at her; a wife, on the other hand, has some control of

I'm pretty sure it was his wife, mother and two daughters. I know folks assume they were sisters, but he's mentioned a wife previously, and there's no way a guy like that would put up with a mere sister nagging and haranguing him like that`without throwing it back at her; a wife, on the other hand, has some control of

I'm thinking they may have given him a love interest in New Artemis Girl. Too bad she'll have to end up tragically dead, or seeing him get killed 2/3 of the way through this season.

I'm thinking they may have given him a love interest in New Artemis Girl. Too bad she'll have to end up tragically dead, or seeing him get killed 2/3 of the way through this season.

With all the hints that someone is going to off themselves this season, my money is not on Pete Campbell, but Lane Pryce. He's such a formal, uptight, stiff-upper-lip type, and embezzling from SCDP is a really stupid turn that will make him look terrible when it is inevitably found out.

With all the hints that someone is going to off themselves this season, my money is not on Pete Campbell, but Lane Pryce. He's such a formal, uptight, stiff-upper-lip type, and embezzling from SCDP is a really stupid turn that will make him look terrible when it is inevitably found out.

I'd almost bet that euthanization was the real deal- you could see the change in the horse's eye, and its nostrils stopped flaring with breath, and the mouth hung open. Of course it could have been CGI, but if they had a real situation to use, what's to stop them filming it and just denying that was the same footage?

Yep, the themes Todd is identifying as Christian- the coming together of two or more people working for something greater, the optimism and openness to possibility- are probably more accurately reflections of Milch's involvement in 12-Step programs, which he has mentioned a number of times.