
Seriously missed June this week on HDTGM. Zardoz was the perfect movie for her input on.
Meanwhile both WHM and Flop House are both on rolls lately.

THey just released it with an intro from Scott explaining why he decided to air it.

Why would he? It is easy quick money and not particularly embarrassing. Hell, McConnaughey is in every 3rd commercial after his Oscar.

It was bad but not nearly as bad as Norbit.

How do you not mention the presence of Penn Jilette?

Phil may appreciate Claire but Claire does not appreciate Phil.

She actually was on the phone for only one of the flashback scenes. Mr. Fowle appears to have hallucinated the others.

Penny was on the phone in only one if the flashback scenes. It is kind of weird that you are claiming she was in all of them.

Evolution was actually a decent movie.

While it may have taken about 3 years longer than it should have, it is nice to finally see WHM finally getting the attention they deserve from the AV Club.

Lazenby was a great James Bond and OHMSS was possibly the most underrated Bond film ever.

Maybe, but once every ten episodes or so is completely ridiculous.

I can't figure out for the life of me what they are doing with the Emily character. Either have her become a frequent cast member or ditch her. You can't have me believing she is his serious girlfriend but then have her never show up.

Worst. Episode. Ever. Seriously though, I loved that show but those gimmick episodes were always the weakest.

I'm guessing it won't be because Flop House just did it (although they spent only about 5 minutes talking about the movie). I am guessing they at least semi-try to stay away from doing too many movies that either Flop House or HDTGM have done. You can only avoid overlap so much though.

I don't even like Sam Adams and yet I still heartily applaud your comment. There is a rising tide of horrible beer snobbery that needs to be put down immediately.

I hate people who refuse to watch any Simpsons after season 8 or so. These people are absurd and ridiculous. Just because it isn't as good as it used to be doesn't mean it sucks. I will still take the worst Simpsons over most of what is on TV. Unfortunately the topic of The Simpsons seems to attract the most

Jesse Eisenberg= If Michael Cera became a total pretentious douchebag

The podcast The Canon just had a try good episode talking about Forrest Gump. Highly recommended.

People who are proud of never seeing something are total idiots since it is based upon a feeling of superiority over something they have never seen or experienced. It is the epitome of pseudo-intellectualism.