
He really didn't chew any scenery on Sons of Anarchy. He is a great actor who, because he doesn't have Hollywood good looks, has to take way too many jobs that include a lot of crap.

There was one thing that united my 9th grade English class, that this book was garbage.

This movie came out when I was 17 and my girlfriend said I was just like Christian Slater in the film. I have hated myself ever since.

American Horror Story is the Coldplay of horror

Uggghhhh, how about none and we just end this garbage.

All I know about this movie is what I saw in the ad and my only thought was "They remade 'Seven'?"

Career advice for Bree Olson- if you want to have a 'mainstream' career, don't do movies that are less respected than porn.

Ryan Murphy does not have the skill to do 'horror/comedy'. Please stay away from it.

I have to get this off my chest- the way this show treats horror movies/fans is bizarre and kind of atrocious.
1) There is a large crossover between horror and comic book and sci-fi fans. That Raj (and Howard) is so freaked out by her being a horror fan at all (a previous episode dealt with this) seems very strange to

Maybe he just watched Phantasm.

I really think they are doing a terrible job with the Emily character. Stop treating her like an absolute freak because she likes horror movies. The cemetery thing is a little weird but on the problem scale of 1-10 it is about a 1.5.

No, you forget. Leonard knew immediately because it happened in Leonard and Sheldon's apartment (forgot why) and it was all hashed out. And, personally, I wouldn't take it as a big deal at all since they were broken up at the time and it was a drunken act. Also it turned out they never actually had sex although I

What revelation?

100% with you on Andy and Haley. Enough already, just get them together. Disagree about Jay and Alex though. I liked their scene.
The Manny and Luke story was just weak and added nothing. Decent idea but poorly executed. And why would these two, especially Manny, decide to drink heavily in the middle of a big family

They have been by far the worst episodes and it may purely be because the sound was so bad that you missed half of the stuff. There was one episode that was completely inaudible (can't remember off hand).

Because I thought I was finally getting a movie about Harvey Birdman. Man, was I disappointed. Not even a cameo by Peter Potamus.

She gets a pass because she is a decent actress.

The airplane banner scene is one of the greats.

Ben Stein has managed to be more repulsive and repellent than Charlie Sheen. And at least Sheen can blame the drugs and alcohol.

The two are perfect for each other, they both bury whatever talent they have with dumb and pointless publicity stunts.