
Uhmmm, no.

Just change the cast members names and this could be the same exact review for the 1982 version. That movie is tedious and overrated.


The only one that was remotely funny or interesting was the June episode. Proving once again she is much funnier than her husband.

Years ago Gloria mentioned, and expressed worry, that Manny barely knew any Spanish and was forgetting what little he did know. As opposed to everything out of Claire's mouth this episode, the Manny not knowing spanish was actually consistent with the show's canon.

I was appalled at the shocking lack of storyline consistency in this episode but this wasn't one of them. They have been planting the seeds for this for a long time. Gloria has complained about Manny not knowing spanish in the past

Sorry but the whole Claire line in this story didn't make a lick of sense. How does she barely know who Andy is? He has been working for her father for more than a year, has had a heavy flirtation with her daughter for an extended period of time, worked with her husband in her house for a long time on some video. Now

Am I the only one who actually kind of liked Death to Smoochy?

I guessed Nightmare on that one. Most of these could be a whole bunch of movies.