
The public at large has clearly failed in their responsibility to sufficiently piss off Larry David to inspire him for another season of CURB.

Much like the Simpsons Treehouse of Horror, I could very happily watch an episode like this every season.

The kids already had their company, they even had drapes!

I think they hit the nail on the head pretty accurately.

ISIS was used so that the Redskins name would be associated with something negative, so that Snyder would want them to stop using it.

Definitely appreciated how they handled that moment. It'd have been soooo easy to have them talk about Carter to spell it out for us… but that's not who these characters are.

So no one had informed them that they should pull the ad because Rob Schneider was never funny?

He was terrific in Damages.

All I know is that I was moved and captivated by the episode, and that's not easy. If that's a C+, then nearly everything else reviewed here should be an F.

Like Bill's mom said, "I forgive you." sounds an awful lot like an accusation. Even when it's correct, it's going to put someone on the defensive.


Do cry for Annabeth Gish. She was cast on Sons of Anarchy back in March.

It's a very funny show. But yeah, the ads are a bizarro version of it.

Fighting off the tazing was legitimately badass. The flop afterwards was hilarious.

She was also the only actress who wanted off the show.

I'd say they went:

It is a good sign of the actress' charisma that she remained likable when she hardly ever got a decent storyline.

Is making me want to dickpunch him just from the ads a talent? If so, give that man ALL THE AWARDS!

He has already admitted his weaknesses to Virginia. That's why he's so sullen and childish and hurt in this episode. It's also why she's willing to help him feel strong again in the hotel room.

He controls her employment, and she controls his heart.