Sucks to your ass-mar

This guy really, really likes himself
I mean, like, a lot. What, the label succeeds because he just wants it to succeed? That's not a particularly "natural" course.

I'm just glad…
That the little suit got a new lease on life thanks to Barney's buttons.

I'm glad that D'Angelo is able to play ball despite his … um … minor setbacks in season 2.

Give the plants WATER?!?! Like from the toilet??

I must watch it again… good line overload
Tonight's episode had SO MANY awesome, memorable, I-want-to-use-that-sometime caliber lines that I tried in vain to remember them all. Instead of remembering 3-4 LOLworthy comments from the show, I tried to remember them all and came away with none.

Yeah, at that moment I thought back to the Sexless Innkeeper episode when Ted said "God, I love being single!" and thought "no, no you don't." I think he was rubbing the salt in Barney's wounds, but not really digging the single life. Prepare for some more Ted development in the next few episodes.

C'mon Gash. Enlighten us.

Motherhood and nursing (as a sensitive California mother she MUST nurse by law, right?) have been good to Allison Hannigan. Very good.

A B feels about right
Man, my thoughtful commentary was just posted and then lost, doomed to wander the internet and never to be seen again.

B feels about right for this one…
I like the title and the gag that gave the episode its name, but yeah, aside from the excellent prose this episode was not one of HIMYM's best. It was still enjoyable… and I'd take the worst HIMYM over the best 2 1/2 men. The funniest moments in the A story came when the characters

Satan and his Van Dyke…… pulling…… it…… off.

Woman Wept Native - way to use supporting evidence. Such a statement would certainly stand up to the rigorous standards of Wikipedia.

Despite her spitting (or maybe because of it), lesbian Robin was still pretty hawt.

Classic Marshall
"But baby, I set up a foundation in your name and everything. We're THIS close to finding a cure!"

Definitely Robin. She loves corny jokes (What, a monkey wearing TWO tuxedos?) and manages to have a good number of dude-like interests without sacrificing femininity. Lily is a bit too serious for me.

I too was wondering what a million books looks like.

Brad is used to set up some pretty hilarious moments:

Welcome back!
Glad that you're back on the air, best-show-of-the-fall-season.
Also, glad that douchey Ted was here in full force. But that self-aware kind of douchiness.

HIMYM does a lot for me… Accidentally on Purpose does just about nothing. BBT is on my list of shows to watch, but taking an hour off after HIMYM is going to lead to all sorts of non-TV things. Homework, reading, talking with people using my mouth and not a keyboard.

YES! While she has her good comic moments (Lily: "She got to get got." Robin: "The game is the game"), those two character flaws have always bugged me. The way that she just had to go "find herself" in San Francisco, and how she saddled her family with huge debt… those bugged me and I never realized why she was my