Sucks to your ass-mar

A check so fat that you try to avoid eye contact with it at the Old Country Buffet, but still you can't help but stare.

A check so big and so fat…
That you accidentally ask it if it's pregnant.

I would rebut this by saying that you can't get to 100 episodes on a show like this and have every show reveal something more about the mother. Sure, meeting the mother is the ultimate gimmicky goal of the show, but if you're not enjoying character development, fun sub-plots, and just generally along for the ride

Whatever happened to vigilante Walter?
I miss the Walt that gave cripple-teasin' kids and convertible-driving douches their comeuppance. I hope he comes back soon!

Do the other webisodes actually advance the story? There's so much stupid web-based content for shows (come to the site and check out Fraser's dad's blog!) that I haven't checked any out for Breaking Bad.

I thought for sure the Jesse was going to take off walking in to the wilderness to look for help, and that his weekend of eating ultra-salty Fun-yuns was going to give him the electrolyte boost needed to make it to safety.

But you sure could compare the Wire to How I Met Your Mother… you just know Barney is ruling the street trade in NYC.

I don't know… maybe Robin Sherbotsky (or however it's spelled) with all of her newscasting roles - is now considered a minor celebrity? No, wait, she was a minor celeb back then too. Who wouldn't have wanted a "Robin Sparkles" notch on their bed?

And I don't care how hot you think Robin is, no one wants to see a greasy kayak.

Canadian Celebrity - Collection - Sex Act guesses
Rachel McAdams (please oh please!), a collection of plastic Smurfs, and they did the Newfoundland Lobster Trap???

If by "blew up in her face" you mean "still went platinum and sold over a million copies" then yeah, the last album blew up in her face.

@Staircar 1, my dollar is in the mail… but I don't feel any happier yet. What gives?