Sucks to your ass-mar

That's the thing… when people say they hate the Barenaked Ladies, they're talking about the ridiculous postcards from chimpanzees phase of the band. Maroon and Gordon were great albums… Stunt was my college staple soundtrack, and even their most bland albums have a few gems on them.

You know, at the time the word canine just eluded me. I ruled out ursine and porcine, and I knew that lupine meant "wolf" but come on, marrying a wolf would never work. I guess I just blanked in my rush for the much coveted thirdsie.

Dog Marriage: For or against?
I for one think that people should be free to marry their pets, be they feline or dog-ine.

I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-shirt.
Like he can be formal, but he's also here to party.

Goodnight, drummyman.

Umm, why has no one pointed out that Hulk Boulder seems to pull a fully stocked bowl of cereal, with milk and spoon, from his wrestling costume crotch?

Who made YOU Judge Judy and executioner!!!

Is this the thread where we all post incredibly popular things that we've never experienced?
To chime in with the people who have never heard ubiquitous pop songs:

I for one didn't feel that the loss of the Don-Robin pairing was anything too drastic either. I mean, all they've done to establish what a great couple they are is talk about what a great couple they are. Never demonstrated real chemistry on screen.

I too am glad that Ted and Robin are keeping up their little salutes. It's too good of a gag to let go with the end of their relationship.

You're all way off. This next movie will be about a killer robot driving instructor who travels back in time for some reason. And his best friend is a talking pie.

A subtle yet effective callback
Did anyone else notice that Past Ted (2005) was wearing his green paisley shirt as he wrote his post-breakup letter about that krav maga chick? That was his totally-favorite-shirt for a while.

Barney: "Think of the funniest thing that you can. Now multiply it by two."

Serena Williams as Susannah, with Venus as Odetta?

I've always felt that Kaki King was most effective at pulling people in to her music (connecting emotionally?) when she leaves vocals behind and uses her considerable instrumental talent. Even though I've listened to it a hundred times, I can't get through "Can anyone who has heard this music really be a bad person"

Those were reasonable rules! Some people have to work in the morning!

I want to chime in in support of Haysoos… it was a simple mistake, both stores were notified of the problem and agreed to handle it amongst themselves. Haysoos, you keep on truckin' man. Continue to leave those Blockbusters in the dust.

YES!!! It seems like leaps and bounds have been made in recent indie drumming. There's not a listen of "Apartment Story" that goes by without me thinking "what a shaggy master of drumming have the National."

Where is all of the Frightened Rabbit love?
Seriously, how does this thread have only 23 (now 24) comments? Frightened Rabbit have already rocked my musical world, and I've only been listening to them for about a month. I mean, look at the lyrics for "Poke." This phrase placed it among my top ten favorite breakup

Holy crap - sitcom perfection!
At first I was reluctant to hop on the Season-5-as-epic-season bandwagon for HIMYM… I had just rewatched the first four seasons this last summer, and the slide in quality from the peak in seasons 2 and 3 into season 4 made me think that the writers had lost it… just not enough material