Johnny Deep

He's playing Tommy in Romaneks' Never Let Me Go adaptation which also looks pretty great, if I cared about seeing this I'd be happy with his casting.

Even though it looks like a shot for shot remake there's just something about this trailer that looks like this could be an awful film, maybe it's just the tone the trailer sets, that awful song, just none of it fits. It just comes across as one big twilight cash in, which it is. Plus Cloverfield stank.

Too guitar-y for TPC
The first 4 songs all sound too alike, and even though there are some good tunes later on(Frankenstein, Gone) at least half the album relies on that exact same guitar sound from the get go, all in all a bit of a letdown this one.


*and then his voice comes in.

Silent Alarm wasn't a bad album at all but very much of it's time and yes sounds horribly dated now, the other 2 albums were awful right off the bat.

They're all up on youtube, this guy has been putting them up the day after they air every week since they started.

Yeah that sort of shit just comes with the territory. Not really a big fan of Neko Case(nice voice, shitty bland songs),but my does she sounds like an unfunny douche in that clip.

I'm prejudiced against this movie because it looks fucking awful.

That's like, your jam rite?

Fallout New Vegas
Is the only game I care about coming out this year, looking forward to it eating into a significant portion of my life come October. No word though on the apparent inclusion of vehicles that's been rumoured?

Fuck Portal, is Epsiode 3 just not happening anymore?

I don't know, the new Silent Hill main dudes name is Murphy Pendleton and he's a prisoner for some reason, on the run, blech. Just seems like they keep getting further and further away from what made the first 4 understated yet brilliant team silent titles what they were(Yes even SH4).

If this movie was about poor black people my liberal white guilt would probably force me to comment positively on the trailer.

Mens only meet and greet…no food.

It's Shockingly boring, has one or 2 good songs buried towards the end, first 4 songs are a slog, all sounding the same. Bambi and Frankenstein are pretty good throwbacks to Lessons in Crime but neither really sound like they belong on this album, Gone is pretty catchy though, I'd give it a C, definitely a bit of a

Shame on ohboy for breaking the circle jerk,. To get back to the original point of these guys sounding pretty blah I completely agree, In a lot of ways they're like the american equivalent of the stereophonics, embarrassing pub rock that's way bigger than it has any real right to be. When I first heard them I expected

I will never forget that one magical night I spent with Horsefellow.

You don't get it because you are an idiot?

Hampster d-bag.