Johnny Deep

Rappaport is exactly how you imagine him to be in this film. Noel is being a bit too kind on it. It's a flashier version of 'The Room' with eurotrash vampires. The scene with the lost couple in the woods is hilarious.

Or maybe it's because you look dirty and give it away easy.

It's Richard Hammond, can't you read?

Only you can wield fjaillnir.

They don't, Jameson has been distilled in Dublin since it's foundation by a pentacostal Scotsman, don't mind what they say up in Belfast. Sure Bushmills master distiller is catholic not that it really matters anyway. Sure I'm a dirty fenian and I love both!

Well seeing as Lynott grew up in Crumlin which hardly counts as a stereotypical southside burb I think this twat maybe a better approximation of what you count as southside

Posts like this used to be barf guys bread and butter.

The draft doing the rounds awhile back reported by a few sites had the story focus on the interviewers backstory as he investigates a cover up involving the mis-management and massive fuck up the great fight was. His own story would be a streamlined version of the house wife, the highway, the families gone north and

Simplegreen needs to stop watching snake porn.

Or Prometheus?

Er no, Ireland hasn't been part of the commonwealth since 1949.

Everybody loves Raylien

They're called chestbursters because they do burst out of your chest, it's pretty clear to see.

Not bad, for a human.

Have you seen that guys handwriting? Definitely the signing.

HA, next time some yank comes into to my bar I'm going to offer them a twin towers bomber, just because.

Do you only post butthurt comments about Ireland? Bad things must have happened to you there and that makes me happy to know.

We just act that way around cunty blow-ins who like to make baseless broad generalizations.

Whoever mentioned Marseille up there obviously has never been, I've never been to a bigger dump in my life, probably one of the most dangerous too, even the French will tell you that.

Just the way every episode has mark and jez getting into some kind of uncomfortable scheme that you know will have completely unraveled by the time the half hour ends. It worked well in the first 4 seasons because they cared about the characters and now they're just going through the motions. The last 2 seasons have