Johnny Deep

This is England 86
Speaking of channel 4 programming has anybody been watching this, it's a 4 part follow up to the movie with all the original cast save one or two faces.

Haven't seen the third one but I've liked the other 2 so far, it's kind of clear they're aware of how huge they are and are overdoing it a little slightly, I just hope it doesn't go full Kenan and Kel like the last 2 series of peep show.


Shit the version I seen of this last February was 3 hours long, gonna go check out this shorter version this week just to see how it compares. But yeah I found myself really fed up with it around the 2 hour mark and was convinced it was crap but it somehow spun me round by the end. The story is pretty non existent but

Nope I lived right down on Saratoga and yeah there isn't a whole lot to distinguish it apart from the other beach communitys of San Diego other than it has more hippies and probably crack heads. And I could care less to pose, I liked living there, but it doesn't mean a whole lot to me anymore, unlike you clearly.

They're really upset cos he's like their Dalai Lama.

I lived in OB San Diego, it's literally one long street so I'm having trouble imagining what kind of shit these guys could be getting into weekly, must try stream this now.

Yeah but each year the Irish contribution is fairly slight, usually just one band and not one to date has won it. Mind, that Villagers chap isn't bad at all, a pleasant surprise given the shite that usually manages to the cross the sea and bother the public conscious.

Hey now, Archie Bunker wasn't supposed to be Irish and Carroll O'Connor the man, was a gent. And speaking as an Irish man living abroad no, we are not all racist so fuck all you guys….

Don't feel to bad about it, our government is fairly inept too.

Wild Axl has it, also factor in that the only people who'd pay to go see Guns and Roses are the worst kind of teenager and the worst kind of late 30 something, being a nation of begrudgers has nothing to do with it.

How can you tell that one guy was british in a crowd that size in Ireland?

I agree with landstander kind of, the main characters were all so annoying and unsympathetic I spent the first 40 minutes just hoping for a boulder to swiftly end them, completely ruined any sense of claustrophobia Marshall had worked up. Then the monsters show up and it just seems kind of corny. Much like the

Saw this last year when it was released everywhere else in the world, sup america?

I'm torn between either version of All Delighted People or Djohariah, I'm almost done with my 2nd go round and am already certain that this is the best thing I've heard all year.

Just finished listening to it and it's great

Dirt poot is a lucky guy!

I liked it, but I'm pretty sure for about an hour in the middle I was convinced I hated it and then when it was over I couldn't stop thinking about it. It's no masterpiece but it's definitely worth seeing just for all the neat tricks Noe pulls out of the bag and the sound design is amazing.

Being an Actual Irish person who lived in San Diego for 2 years, the 2nd question people always asked me upon finding out what was up with my accent was "Oh man have you seen Boondock Saints!?" to which I would relish the opportunity to tell them I had and that it was one of the biggest pieces of shite I'd ever seen,

Another Green World is a pretty good gateway, given it's half glam half ambient, then go either way.