Johnny Deep

Could I see a hat wobble? And a Flarrhgunstoww?

Her music sounds like it was created on a mobile phone ring tone editor.

Just out of curiosity which party gets your vote salmon?

Free energy are pretty bad, they're basically Jet, I can't fathom all the positive press those guys get.

I'm with squelchy, that comment turned my stomach a bit .My old man has worked the same job for over 30 years, lived in the same house for over 30 years, just found out his pension is gone, squandered by cowboy bankers he'll now along with the rest of the country have to pick up the tab for whilst the majority of them

Fokker, to my ire I noticed that immediately upon posting, I'm surprised nobody called me out earlier, kudos!

If Edgar Wright wasn't directing, this trailer would probably be getting torn to shreds by half the people defending it, and yeah I guess maybe because it is Edgar Wright that's something to be optimistic about but from the 2 trailers so far this movie looks to me like the product of some focus group designed to sell

Diablo Cody's infinite speed racer of cock.
This looks like an absolute disaster.

You're prediction that the director of one of the biggest cult hits of the 00's would never make another movie is profoundly stupid to me.

I'll admit when I watched it I found that second scene on the bus pretty funny, and there's one scene towards the end with Sam Rockwell effeminately blowing on some magical friendship stone that is pretty hilarious, it is a really really terrible movie otherwise.

Tiny dancer?

I've watched the finale 3 times now almost, twice in full. Although, I think I've been missing Lost since season 5 which is where i think they really started to screw themselves with the storylines and failing to take advantage of the multitude of possibilities to wrap up an abundance of loose ends. I've still enjoyed

I honestly feel this post is almost as worthy as when you someone eat it, seriously actually read the whole thing right up to the end, fucking priceless.

He was in the shower for 6 years.

Should have ponied up for the full version of Microsoft Word, cos the free triel version is really buggy.

….still did what he loves, robbing drug store

One thing I felt was missing was any sense of real danger once Smokey bit it and that storm stopped. When Locke woke from his surgery not long after that scene I got the feeling that Smokeys plan had succeeded and he had taken over alterna locke ready to start ruining shit trans-dimensionally, it wouldn't have made a

GTAIVs' movement controls are so infuriatingly bad, I really couldn't fathom how they ended up like that in a game so meticulously poured over. That and the story was terribly boring. I'm semi interested in this game but if it's inherited any of those traits I'll be giving it a miss…or just convincing a friend to buy

I probably should've scrolled down even slightly, I have shared my love for it above.

Sunset Riders bitches! SNES all the way!