Johnny Deep

"As the writers made clear from the beginning, there were no mysteries, no answers, and the entire series was character-driven. You're acting like they set up enigmas and teased you by implying that they would explain all."

They weren't just random people from a plane crash…..did you even watch this show?

Ian Mckellan and a rhinos eyebrow.

No, just keep the misspelling and and set in LA. Starring Charlie Sheen as the Lady Centipedophile!

Didn't the original director, the same guy who conceived and directed the first one die in the middle only for his son to take over half way through production and make a balls of it? I read that somewhere. And now that he's behind this whole 3D debacle I'm all of a sudden quite wary of this idea, much like those BR

In the sequel one of the classmates signs up her own class her self, haven't read the book but it definitely leads the viewer to believe that there is some larger public interest at hand but just never expands upon it in the movie. The 2nd movie is also absolute pants

Nobody else kind of bothered the way this album plays out almost song for song like a weaker Sound of Silver, not a bad album at all just pales in comparison to that great record.

I just really want to punch James Murphy in the face.

Silent Hill
The first 4 Silent Hill video games all had great individual premises, Silent Hill 2 is easily one of the best horror movies never made yet somehow with the wealth of source material we got that absolute stinker of a film that completely lacked any coherent aspects of the main series. People often cite it

District 9 was the biggest cinematic disappointment of 09 for me, had a great concept and a really tense first 20 minutes but just ended up trying to cram too many elements together and somehow managed to morph into something really boring and kind of stupid. It's politics packed the subtlety of a Green Day song but

*given he wasn't long dead! Dammit I need sleep.

The last page of Never Let Me Go
By Kazuo Ishiguro, that entire book was pretty tragic but man those last few lines fucking killed me, when she goes to Norwich where they imagined all their lost stuff from their childhood was, and she fantasizes about Tommy showing up giving he wasn't long dead. A major lump in the

If he simply never took a name then why play with the pretense that he might possibly have one. It's been a pretty big talking point since he appeared and failing to include any real info on it just seems dumb to me, just say "You were never given a name" or "My name is Rick" or something. Clearly the writers feel now

I hated this, pretty much ab aeterno all over again for me. Like steveo up there said this whole story could have been summed up much neater and more satisfying in a 15 minute flashback or christ even a 5 minute exposition by Jacob, but it's lost so…

@Lone Audience, I've been getting up at 2am every Wednesday morning this season to watch it anyway, despite work. Been doing it since I started streaming it in season 3, for myself and anybody else that does that it won't be a big deal.

Why wouldn't you give Micheal Fox credit as an actor? Have you not seen Teen Wolf?!

Fucking eh cameleopard, it seems quite fitting now in hindsight.

If I recall correctly the post substituted Franks death for somebody else but Sayid, Sun and Jin were all accounted for, which would make it some fucking guess otherwise. There wasn't much else in it bar that, though I'd be surprised if if it was the only one floating about.

I read a comment the other day in some random av club article completely unrelated to lost the day that newswire was posted, that was just basically a sentence listing of who'd die in tonights episode, it was smack bang in a load of heavily responded threads but had no response of it's own. I was hoping it was just

Nobody read Diary? That's the only thing of his I've found remotely interesting, Fight Club and Choke are meh, Lullaby is complete tripe. Will probably never read another one of his books ever again.