Indigo Jones

Ainsley Harriot

Once, walking down the street in Dublin, i heard two wee kids shout to their friend "hurry up and stop being a cunt!". The look on the faces of the passerby American tourists was priceless. I think they went straight to the airport and boarded the first place back home

A shower?

"Anyone can wubwub"

and always sing like he's sighing?

and fanny refers to a ladies front bum. 

Our Golden Lab has a job.

We say the word cunt all the time here in Ireland. My father is oft heard calling out to our dog (a black lab) when he goes off dashing through the fields…."Come here to me, ya black cunt!" 

Spielberg is pretty anglee at the academy now….what a snub.

What the fuck happened to Nora Jones? 

I think you mean British.

It was actually Tupac

So the future of hollywood is…..brown?

She diva'd so hard that i'm actually pregnant now.

Exactly!  Thanks Obama!

The Oscar for best jiggling titties goes to….Jennifer Hudson.

Can anyone in Hollywood actually read? 

Liam Neeson looks and sounds like he wants to kill every single person in the room.
simply because he can. 

they're pre-flagged…for your pleasure.

Holy metal catnipples batman….