Indigo Jones

I'm surprised Tarantino hasn't cast her in anything

You sir, are the moron because blood sausage / black pudding is delicious.

Cheetos, why?

so this isn't what happened to the rest of Friends after Joey left for LA? 

@avclub-de4a08d644135b09bd7e1a592dff156b:disqus it might have something to do with all those past Destiny Child bandmates who got shitcanned

i read that she farts a lot too.

not forgetting all the gay things he does too

holy fuck!

GO has a great tripping balls scene where the dude has a  brief conversation with a cat, they argue about how to pronounce a Chinese emperors name and then the cats tells him he is going to die.

VEEP and The Borgias and its my birthday, oh God bless us, everyone!

Rachel Dawes you say?

I heard he smells with his ears and hears with his nose.

what the fucks the point of it all?

maybe he spoke like that
for a

is he moody one who went to that wall thing? 

The commentariats penchant for casual racism really is the chink in their armor.

@avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus  SPOLER - it's a cat who is pretending to be a fish.

that just awoken something in me


Colin Farrell is quotable?