
Will CBS leave Garcia alone to make another decent sitcom that I'll enjoy for at least 3 seasons  or hector them with calls for more sex jokes like 2 1/2 Men and nearly every other CBS sitcom?

Cat dead
Details later.

How uncouth!  The fat drippings from the turkey leg would extinguish the tobacco in my ivory pipe.

I shall require my nicest fur coat and leather shoes for an evening on the town.

Dude, you're going bananas.

I'm not offended, making an argument against it nor do I particularly care what someone's diet is. It's just sort of fascinating this making things taste like meat that aren't meat.

I remain fascinated by how much time and energy that vegans and whatnot put into making tofu look and taste like things that aren't tofu.

It does mean spy as well.  I believe that spook as racist term had it's heyday in the 50s. 

Octaroon, on the other hand, sounds like a future SyFy project.

I used to know a guy who used "shine" when blacks weren't around and "democrat" when one might have been within earshot. 
I'm not sure if "them damned democrats, if you know whut I mean *stares pointedly at nearest black guy* is generally horrible people" was a slick as he liked to believe.

Is "spook" still being used?

I'm not saying that in the same situation that I'd do some back flips and cut his head off with a sword that I just happen to have but after the reveal that the couple is dead one has two choices of what happened:
A.  The couple sat down in the living room and passively allowed themselves to be killed.
B.  The killer

2 people vs. a dude with a hoe.  A hoe is a long range weapon.  Rush the guy and kick his ass.  Don't go into the living room, have a seat and allow him to slit your throat, presumably with a hoe.
Goddamn this show relies too much on people doing really dumb shit. 

Escalator to Heaven.

Like one can get an honest day's work out of a damned-able Irish drunkard.

Goddamned busybody messing up all my nearly free labor. 

Are you implying that Dunham has never heard of nerds?  Looks like she's gonna have to date Curtis "Booger" Armstrong to shut up the naysayers.

I was angry when all the nerds that should have been watching Firefly on Fridays all discovered girls at the same time. 

Will there be a bit in the opening credits of SMG and Williams on a goal post that will make me wonder how the fuck they got up there.  There weren't no damned ladder, tv show!
