I shot Gordon Pratt

With the exception of The Doctor, the characters just don't have 'it.' The entire show feels less Star Trek and more Star Trek-themed office party.

Fun fact: Aviatrix was not actually a prehistoric bird, but more of a flying reptile.

The fate of Earhart will always be a mystery.

Oh shit: it's going to be "Silent Lucidity," isn't it?

"Fade Into You," then?

Counter: The (attempted) public execution of Grenouille at the end of "Perfume."

Ah, but the devil's in the details. The difference between "compliant" and "complaint" is so small it's irresponsible.

I used to be all over new music. But now even if I hear something I like, it doesn't end up getting the repeated plays it needs to really sink into my brain.

How many straight characters get to escape the tacked-on romantic subplot? If by-the-numbers love stories have to be a plot driver, then LGBT romance is no more a core of identity than hetero-ness is for any other desperate single lady or sad sack man child.

With all the rebooting and what have you, it's baffling that no one has cast a good modern Penguin and Riddler. They're in danger of becoming second-tier villains at this point, at least as far as adaptations go.

I very much disagree, but for this episode it seemed clear that Wright stepped on PFT's planned WW-screening bit, and wasn't left with anywhere else to go, especially since the guests went to Trump over JW when McKenna dropped her mystery dad clues.

Should have been Dr. Peel. Why go to shades and tints when Orange, a perfectly good secondary colour, is just sitting sitting there?

No need. Thought Neighbourhood Watch has got this taken care of! I'm sure it will in no way backfire.

Don't do it, commentariat. I know you're thinking it, but don't do it.

Worse yet, "SJW" seems like an attack on sincerity itself. By reducing a belief in ethical, humanist principles to mere optics, it puts the actual topic under discussion at a remove, and makes the issue about the speaker instead of the subject at hand.

Let's say "support" then.


Variant: Can you sue for defamation of character when you have none?

From Magna Carta on down, rich white men have built western government, the law, and the economy for themselves alone. And now that other groups are demanding to get a piece, they'd rather burn it to the ground than share. I wish I was more shocked by this.

People cheer for sports teams that have animal abusers, racists, domestic abusers, and killers on the roster. Knowingly.