I shot Gordon Pratt

I thought it was champagne popsicles now?

I'd totally watch a show about Kim or Nacho trying to start a second life somewhere far away.

So naming the episode "Lantern" hung a lampshade?

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if Chuck leaves Jimmy all his wealth, on the sole condition that he cease practicing law under the McGill name. Do in death what he couldn't do through the bar.

I forget, does Gaiman ever address the monotheistic gods? The fact that Jesus exists in so many forms makes me wonder where the hell Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah and G-d are in the story. Too big to give a shit? Genuinely non-existent? I can't recall if the subject ever comes up.

"The Unsinkable Molly Brown house. And you can go there and visit that. It’s not quite the same because she survived the boat. But you go there and they’ve got the place frozen in time from the day that she didn’t die on a boat."-August Lindt.

Somehow I still use my AV-specific login rather than a generic cross-platform Disqus one. I'm dead already, I just don't know it yet.

Right? Like the old guard once believed, it's supposed to be the AV -Club-, not the AV Feed!

This is what you get when you exclude the lucrative Canadian market!

"So the other day I toured Auschwitz, and my Hyman died."

If literally everything you say and do in public doesn't reflect The Real You, then The Real You is irrelevant.

And if they moved to New Jersey, they could be the Hackensack Hawkins-Hawkes.

Oh, there definitely are, but nurses and teachers are just lazy parasites, dontcha know?

Only seniors. That's it.

Never fear! Thanks to the gutting of our film industry, this movie has literally nothing to do with Nova Scotia!

I'm still waiting for someone to make a Skyrim mod that's just an updated version of the Black Gate & Serpent Isle. I. Keep. Waiting.

An cartoon Acme brand Insta-Black Hole just appears beneath us.

I hate that people forget that the "worst season of The Wire" is still pretty fucking great. And, yeah Nick and Frank are awesome. It's really just Ziggy. People hate Ziggy.

Few things delight me more than Sean's infinite euphemisms for kind bud.

In retrospect I'm shocked that Republicans somewhere didn't stage an outrage-inducing production of Obama Othello—they could even have had a Hillary-esque Iago to boot.