I shot Gordon Pratt

I posted this downthread, but it fits here too, and thematically I think it's an important question:

It troubled me at first as well, but more and more I'm thinking the idea was that they were proto-indigenous, and an ancestral dead end at that. They're so lost to the mists of time that they are essentially more imaginary than historical.

Money, Sex, Death, War—these are all very old gods that reach back to the first pantheons. It's strange that Gaiman doesn't really wrestle with what exactly they would like now. Would they take the side of the new gods or the old? Or would they, as nigh-indestructible ur-gods, simply watch the carnage and laugh?

Do we honestly believe that conservatives see satires of themselves and think: "Wow, that was bang on; a nuanced yet vicious takedown of my worldview"?

Speaking of permissions: of course, Marvel and Disney make this an impossible dream scenario, but in the more current world of the show shouldn't Media and Thor be in cahoots? Thor would now certainly be stronger than Wednesday, and it would make for an awesome conflict/comment on the commodification of religion.

Apologies. It was unclear who you were talking about, but point taken.

White, yes. Middle-aged woman, check. We can even throw in conventionally beautiful. But Kimmy is also poorly educated, from a broken family, and you know, a kidnapping and trauma survivor. Despite her friendship with Jacqueline, Kimmy also lives an (admittedly fantastical) poverty line life.

Case in point: There was a pretty clear consensus on who the base-line cool artists were. So it was theoretically even cooler to rep for an underappreciated artist. But only some bands had the goods to be worthy of Favourite Band status.

Mark Lanegan remains, at least.

Nah. It's finally Mark Lanegan's time.

Sooner or later, we're all gonna break this rusty cage and run.

Wednesday explicitly mentioned that there's both a Mexican and an American Jesus. Which means there must be a bunch of Canadian Gods sitting around Tim Hortons trying to find a polite way to ask the new gods Hockey, Subsidized Healthcare and Smug Un-American-ness to please play fair. This notion amuses me greatly.

One of modern comedy's great problems is the insistence that great performers must also be great writers and producers. The DEY (Do Everything Yourself) culture that's arisen requires everyone to be auteurs, and well, not everyone is cut out to be an auteur.

CBB has mentioned Wompler a bit recently. I hope it's building up to a return! I'm so glad she was able to beat this back; I really miss hanging out with her and Parham.

Hank or his partner should make an appearance as they investigate Salamanca. Not likely Norris agrees, but Quezada might come back. We could also eventually see Gale, right?

Fair. I maybe should have generalized more. While the specifics will probably remain debatable, I think it's pretty clear he's queer in some way.

So we're all just pretending Gene isn't gay?

I keep trying to convince myself that it's xenophobic, anti-intellectual authoritarianism's dead cat bounce, but I don't know anymore.

That's suicide.

I'm stumped. If only baseball idioms lent themselves to romance!