I shot Gordon Pratt

Sure, and I'm a huge Tolkien fan and love talking about his work! It's just the weekly GJIs are starting to feel a little like exploitation

So it seems like the Great Job the Internet is doing is figuring out that people click on Tolkien articles.

Me too. Me too. Now let's throw on some Hip and watch the playoffs.

Ah, but what are your thoughts on butter tarts and Nanaimo bars?


20 years ago in Ontario, poutine was simply a drunken undergrad post-bar staple. I don't know that anyone ever ate it sober.

I wonder how his wife would react to a "Yes, but with a Hands Off list" that includes this other guy. Too many pre-existing emotions involved, so he's grandfathered out. My guess is that her enthusiasm for the deal would cool significantly.

Canadian here. Gotta chime in to say "Fuck Gregg Zaun." He's trying so desperately to be Baseball Don Cherry. And all the old schooI pro-hazing, 'play the game the right way' bullshit makes me roll my eyes so hard I almost sprain my pupils.

But it goes beyond film. In real life, it's all part of the So-Cal contract.

It's a noble, but failed, experiment. But I got it as a gift, so I played it a lot for a while.

Still the best library of RPGs ever. Love Earthbound, Final Fantasies, Ogre Battle, Crono Trigger, Link to the Past, Secret of Mana, etc. But we haven't even mentioned the Breath of Fire games, Lufia, 7th Saga, Robotrek, and Arcana!

Ogre Battle and Earthbound, fuck yeah! It'll never happen, but fuck yeah!

I thought that the sweeping was a signal to the bagman to abort.

I put the preamble in to explicitly state I'm no expert, just someone trying to offer a judgement-neutral observation.

Just talking off the top of my head here, but doesn't it come down to one's take on gender vs. sex? It seems like LGBs are keenly invested in the rejection of traditional gender roles and norms, while Ts seem to embrace them as a core part of their identity. It creates a weird tension that the Left can't reconcile.




I once wrote a lame joke about the Jacques Cousteau & Jocasta jacuzzi Yakuza cruise (J'accuse!), only to realize a few days later that I pretty much just lifted the Prepon Poupon gag. My smug pride evaporated like so much pot smoke.

I love this.