I shot Gordon Pratt

Eventually, but not at first. Somewhere in the second season he transformed from villain into anti-hero, and then it was totally and gloriously the Swearengen Show.

Though Jimmy James should be an iconic character by now, Dave Nelson is centre of Newsradio and perfected the 'unraveling straight-man.' The show wouldn't work without him.

Throw in the Childrens Hospital team and you've got yourself a deal! The idea of Rob Huebel (Mike Detective!) and Jon Hamm bouncing deadpan off each other gives me a comedy hardon.

Hamm is clearly more of a Frank Drebin. He needs to star in a Police Squad! or Naked Gun instalment as soon as possible.

Columbo reboot!

Yeah it worked out great for Andy Dick!

Ah, but our revenge comes when that very same ginger greys early, giving us the coveted salt-and-pepper that drives libidos wild. Right?

I am shocked that I had to read so far down in the comments to see this. You've saved the day, sir!

If you crouch behind the crates in the warehouse for 30 seconds, you can rise fully refreshed.

petty, vacant.

August 2018: The entire Godspeed You! Black Emperor catalogue goes triple platinum.

If I recall correctly, the overwhelming power of her coolness was supposed to have made the song palatable.

You're right. An overreach. Edited.

I myself flip-flop, which is probably a remembrance of my own behavior at that age. It honestly doesn't seem like that much of a stretch. Let's call it a half-strawman.

2000: "High Fidelity" is a smart, savvy romantic comedy about a self-centered snob navigating adult-onset maturity, selective memory, and personal growth. Plus, it has a killer soundtrack!

I remember at the time it was simply refreshing to see a guy like me as the main character in a major motion picture. But I also had the benefit of already being in the middle of my grow-the-fuck-up phase when High Fidelity was released. In that vein, I mostly appreciated the variety of women in the film, who were all

How do Phoenix and Las Vegas have teams but Milwaukee doesn't?

I want to believe this. But after Trump I fear Republicans (or all politicians, really) will have learned the lesson that governmental rules are really just glorified etiquette. That if you have party control and you're just obstinate and authoritarian, no one's going to stop you from doing anything. That will be

Sometimes it feels like calling it "us vs. them" is even too generous. That at least requires a sense of narrative and personal agency. More often than not it feels like simple brand loyalty, which needs no justifications and is argument-proof.

Why does everyone get their own moment in Fake Clockworks except Rudy? He just gets to drool. Does Plaza have some sort of meta-power that gives her knowledge of the call sheet?