I shot Gordon Pratt

Jane Fonda's website has been selling these shirts and the mug for the last 5 years, at least. My wife has had several of each. This is news now, I guess!

I was actually relieved that Mantzoukas was not involved. Don't get me wrong, Jason started out great, but after a while he became a sure bet to drive Daly toward familiar territory. Andy Daly seems to work best when he's paired up with a variety of personalities he can surprise, rather than being guided there by

I love that I can no longer hear the phrase 'international waters' without immediately thinking of Daly's characters. Those two words are like the Rosetta Stone for his entire oeuvre.

"Well it hardly seems worth it now, but we were going to have a segment where people use Twitter to send in their travel nightmares."

CBB 59: "Are you sure it's not just a man in a dog suit?"

The Gimli of the first movie is perfect. Crotchety but a badass. Over the next two movies he pretty much just becomes a fart machine.

I'm torn. One the one hand, the Tolkien discussion is fantastic.
On the other, the fact that no one has responded to any of the criticisms with "a wizard did it" kind of breaks my heart.

I genuinely think Eowyn is awesome. I was less offering my opinion and more pitching a potential term paper. It's a bad habit.

I remember the last time I read The Hobbit I was explicitly on watch to see if Ori had a single line. He didn't.

Also: ultimately her death-lust is not a result of the plight of her homeland, the death of her cousin, or loyalty to her King. It's because a boy doesn't like her. While her Big Moment is badass as hell, you could probably argue that her role as a Fulfiller of Prophecy strips her of any actual agency.

"Ride now! Ride for ruin and the world's ending!" still gives me chills whenever I watch it. Death!

My wife thinks Two Towers is the best of the movies, and my mind reels at the suggestion, mostly because of the plot liberties. But also, it's never been easier for me to pick which dialogue was from the source material and which was invented. The clash of styles feels like reading the Iliad spliced together with Die

If the showdown at Isengard had been in the theatrical version (and had Saruman's Hail Mary speeches been more effectively conveyed), the later redemption and death of Theoden would have made cry for days, instead of mere hours.

Absolutely! But Ragnarok is a far cry from defending some old dude's wall.

Elves at Helm's Deep: better or worse than "The Ring will go to Gondor?"

Right? For god's sake, the trilogy opens with scenes from the "Last Alliance of Elves and Men." Not the most recent, the last!

I said much the same thing below. I love that idea that a endless series of special guest Trumps would show him just how many celebrities utterly despise him. Crush his ego.

Good. In the absence of a decent in-house Trump, the best play for SNL is to have a rotating cast of special guest Trumps, each hopefully emphasizing a different demented aspect of the guy. Plus it's a sure-fire way to be the Monday Meme every week. And even better, it would expose a breadth of celebrity anti-Trump

I just think they understand better than anybody else that 'should' is irrelevant if it's not actually enforceable. Experience teaches you to assume bad faith.

It seems like the LA podcast scene has finally been over-saturated. I've heard on-air complaints about difficulties finding guests from shows like CBB, where I'd never imagined that would be a problem.