I shot Gordon Pratt

C'mon. It's not a garbage show, it's just a soap opera. If you're watching expecting some big thesis, of course you'll be disappointed. In the beginning I was upset about how the show was full of 'Poverty is Awesome' hi-jinks, but I came to see that as a corrective to all the other types of misery porn we have to wade

I feel the same about Ryan Gaul; he could have the comedy movie career that Glenn Howerton never got. And it seems like Mandell Maughan is destined to be the co-lead on a high profile crime procedural.

Yeah, but this season? We've had the mother-daughter team in Florida, the sex-crazed high-schooler in the bar bathroom, Ash's sister, the Sheriff's daughter, and now Henrietta. Even the Delta is feminine, if I recall correctly. While the human carnage has been mostly dudes (and it still seems kind of weak that the

Really pulling for a kickass male Deadite soon. Too many (if not all?) of the Deadites this season have been female, and overtly sexualized to boot. It's awesome that Kelly and Ruby get to kick a lot of ass, but the gleeful gore needs to get a little more equal opportunity.

Was anyone else irked that the fates of Ashley and Elsie didn't get a clear resolution? Yes, Elsie is probably dead, but those two characters disappeared in an awfully vague way for a show that loves killing people.

I'm all for exclusively referring to Trump as 'President Snowflake' for the duration of his term.

*customer smashes a bottle of wine by bumping it off the shelf with her purse*
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm such a klutz sometimes."
"Hey, don't worry about it, accidents happen."
*mopping up the rancid floor wine*
"Hey you missed a spot."
"You're lucky this bottle is smashed to dust, because otherwise I'd grab it off the

Peanut butter and sliced apple is also remarkably delicious. But I simply cannot endorse the mayo.

Arby's and Taco Bell get ragged on so much! Is it a coincidence that they're some of the only big chains that aren't in the pocket of Big Burger? The negativity's always seemed a little bit like McDonald's Stockholm Syndrome to me.

Blackberries make great finger-hats as well!

I used to use chocolate pudding and melted peanut butter as an ice cream topping. It's been years since I've done it, mostly because if I open that door again I know I'll never come back.

I always tell myself that it's a desperation purchase, but the amount of pre-packaged convenience store sandwiches I eat strongly suggests that I must fucking love them.

Most of that squad never actually wanted the gig. They just wanted to up their profile enough to land pricy speaking engagements, sell a book, and get a position with Fox News.

Flyin Hawaiian's onnet.

"A Muppet Family Christmas" over here.

I dunno. I'd be wary of a regal figure handing women pomegranates and then telling them they can leave but also stay. Especially if that regal figure seems likely to know his classical references.

Bee fills a too-long neglected need for a female anger comic, a la Lewis Black, but with more substance. Your Silvermans and Schumers play the coy "Ooops did I just say that?" angle and have had their success. But Bee's focus on women's issues and state and local election turnout is pretty well backed up for a comedy

The difference between the coffee shop and the airport (& charge station) was pointed, I thought. In industries where the consumer has dozens of options, the customer is always right and smiles are permanent. But when a business has the customer over a barrel -and- the power to damage the point system itself, any

And the teachers in Cypress Creek thought -I- was slow!

Seeso's continued refusal to even address when or if there's a plan for service to Canada is really pissing me off.