I shot Gordon Pratt

Hopefully this means we can also hope for a playable LA Noire 2 within the next couple years.

I'm kind of shocked that at least one of the 7-Up series, Cosmos, King of Kong, American Movie, Hands On A Hardbody or Exit Through The Gift Shop haven't been touched at all.

I haven't given it much thought, but I wonder if this trend has its roots in career diversification and/or format silos. Many comics find themselves giving away their silliest comedy for free on podcasts and Twitter, while also performing their more polished stand-up (or more practiced improv) for paying audiences,

A slight misreading, but only slight. I'm aware and respectful of her likes, loves, and absolutely nots. Honestly my 'being in charge' is actually more like me performing for her benefit rather than anything else. So when the instructions and course-corrections come, it reads like a director giving notes, which

I was just going to repeat how Andy Daly is the ultimate personification of Devil Flanders. But then I saw that you're a Jays fan, so I'm gonna give you an internet high five as well!

Also, who else has seen The Constantines close out a show with "Hyacinth Blues" leading into "Temporary Thing"? It gets in you. Since they never recorded it for an album, it's the audio dragon I'm doomed to chase forever:

The acoustic version.

"New Paths to Helicon 1" by Mogwai. If shimmering light made a sound, this song would be that sound.

Best Financial Supporting of an Actor - Adam Sandler, for "Rob Schneider."

How do you get a dominant submissive (or is it vice versa) to be honest about their preferences? I was with a lady who swore up and down she liked to be dominated, and I have no doubt she thought the idea was hot. But really it was "Do anything you want to me (so long as it matches up with my secret mental script)."

As long as you aren't not fighting because neither of you can be bothered to care, you'll be fine. Watch out for that! "What do you want to do? / I don't know, what do you want to do?" causes a million more fights than just having an opinion.

I was so disappointed with Jake Sisko's moderating at the Galactic Town Hall.

And only him and Star Trek would look at Jeri Ryan and say she's a 7.

He's a Ferengi who thinks he's a Q.

What's remarkable is that the scene manages to surprise you even though it's textbook genre convention. There's pressing new information on a case, a character redemption, wife and kids at the beach (as D'Angelo notes), and the borderline hack "Have you told anyone else about this?" question.

People did the same thing for The Tragically Hip this summer. I guess I understand the impulse; celebrities can bow out of public life with grace, and fans can warmly reflect on their career. But I'm getting worried that PR folks are soon going to decide that pre-reavement is the new hot thing.

Just wait for the monocle variant!

I'm also just now realizing what I would have given for Bones and The Doctor to share just one scene together.

I think you're bang on here, with the aforementioned addition of Garak. It's a shame there's no room for Sisko, but we can debate captains all day. What's important is that we all recognize that Kira is the undisputed best First Officer in the franchise.

The Doctor is the only Voyager character I would consider for an All Time Star Trek crew. Every other show I could name at least three candidates. (Kirk, Spock, Uhura) (Picard, Data, Worf) (Kira, Odo, Sisko, Bashir & O'Brien, even Garak). But even though Janeway's solid, the Voyager crew is just too bland and boring,