I shot Gordon Pratt

Music I'll give you, but movies? If anything it's an ode to video games.

As I see it, the main problem with moving forward is that the late timeline of the franchise was in danger of becoming Time Trek. I'd be on board with exploring Dominion War fallout & Delta/Gamma quadrant expansion, but I am definitely not interested in timecops bouncing around the galaxy fixing things.

I suppose I'm thinking of it in terms of a Civics or Home Economics course. Responsible citizenship and consumerism, really.

I'm somewhat shocked that educators and parents haven't started to lobby for the implementation of "Media Literacy" courses, starting in about grades 6 or 7.

Well I guess now we have to debate who the replacement-level Bond is. Dalton? Brosnan?

His peak seasons are already behind him. For that kind of money his OBP, SLG, and defensive range better not regress.

Kellerman was the only addition that really stuck, especially during the proto-Wire Luther Mahoney arc. But even then they ended up prolonging the Fall of Mike Kellerman for far too long.

I just think it's a silly place.

Agatha Christie's running late. This means that through a complicated master plan she arrived early, did or saw something she wasn't supposed to, and is either the murderer, a victim, or a secret blackmailer.

…and she effectively renounces her own family, identity, culture and support network to be with her man. Empowering!

I find Episode 59 of the podcast to be a perfect introduction. It's got a rambling, shaggy interview bit with Todd Glass, dark character work from Andy Daly, and of course the charmingly ubiquitous Paul F. Tompkins. It's a great microcosm, plus it's early enough in the run that the running gags are minimal. Enjoy!:

'tis a consummation devoutly to be wish'd!

For someone so bothered by spoilers, Aukerman really dropped the ball here. I mean, it's bad enough that the name 'Comedy Bang Bang' tells you that it's a comedy show, but 'Bang Bang' now clearly references its death! Or shuffling off this mortal coil, in the words of the Immortal Bard.

Quoth Mantzoukas, "Boo, sir. Boo."

When or if the podcast ever comes to an end, the sadness I'll feel will be indescribable.

He really is an amazing comic actor, and he doesn't get near enough opportunity to really show his range.

I'm with with you on this. I didn't find it nearly as scandalous as reviews had made it out to be, but I appreciate his point that the set was a welcome release for progressives living in thought-deserts. My only general criticism is that sometimes the (relatively joke-free) build-ups were too long, giving the viewer

Justin Bieber as Robin.

Just please. Guys, please. Please don't take Encarnacion. Let him sign anywhere else in the league, but please please please don't sign him. I don't want to have to hate him.

Counter: Michael Sheen as Moriarty.