I shot Gordon Pratt

Wasn't this rumoured years ago with Sacha Baron Cohen as Holmes and Ferrell as Watson? I much prefer that casting.

I would (begrudgingly) give Hulu and Seeso and Amazon and Good Netflix my money, but noooo I'm not allowed to. So other means it is. And then those get cracked-down on and what the hell? You can't keep us yokels forever, America!

Exactly. Maybe I'm being naive, but there was a time not too long ago when you could lament unreturned feelings, and it was no one's fault but The Universe, or Fate. Men, women, gay or straight—all could find themselves pining without necessarily getting accusatory.

When I was younger The Friendzone was somewhere you just kind of inexplicably found yourself. It wasn't a verb yet, so it wasn't something someone -did- to you. The politicization of the friendzone therefore baffles me a bit, because I had always understood it as an general expression of disappointment and frustration

There seems to be a tipping point when honest, understandable disappointment over unrequited interest curdles into "not being a doormat," "standing up for yourself," or "having some self-respect." By framing it as self-empowerment, former sad-sacks turn into (or reveal themselves as) raging assholes. A handful might

Clark Kent's on Twitter. Actually, that's a gimmick account that has some potential.

I don't know why they need alter-egos, because Clark Kent and Peter Parker each have the superpower to somehow maintain jobs.

"Donald and Hobbes" is better, and more accurate:

The entirety of Western culture has been appropriated. So yeah, don't be a dick and commodify religious or sacred signifiers (headdresses, yarmulkes, bindis) and don't dress as "A Mexican" for Halloween. But otherwise, get over it; it's all just ideas, and the exchange of ideas is how civilizations evolve.

"Clint Eastwood So Old He Actually Met A Cartoon Hobo."

A bit of both. Yep, I embarrassingly spelled Cerberus wrong. And as is almost the case on the Internet, it's a reference to a scene from The Simpsons. You seem like a delightful person, by the way.

You mean Cerberus?

I'm fired, aren't I?

"Got a DUI in Hawaii."

Cause of Death: Answered "Nobody" when asked "Who else have you told about this?"

There was also a subtext to the letter that Dan shockingly failed to comment on. The writer keeps referencing where these transgressions fell on the 'kinky scale.' I kind of got the sense that—pain and hurt aside—what the writer was really looking for was orders to step up his dom/sub game. Escalate to save the

Like Monadelics and miraelh said, one of the Boomers' key traits is to 'get theirs', pull the ladder up, then incredulously ask why other generations can't make it like they did. They start the participation ribbon BS, they encourage college and its attendant debt, they refuse to retire, or they retire and then return

Fantasy baseball! Mike Trout is a merman who wields a Bat of Contact +2, and Michelangelo has great tools and a phenomenal ceiling.

Are you sure you're American?

Also, this article could just as easily have been written last year, about what the Jays' 2015 run meant to the nation as a whole. For a solid 2-3 months even the sportsphobic were paying attention, and it was electric.

Boston Pizza and others have diversified their menus though: they're chain restaurants that also serve pizza. But Pizza Hut's haven't been able do the same, it seems.