I shot Gordon Pratt

Yep, but it's still sad and depressing.

While puny humans make their little plans, 2016 extends its icy hand into the frozen north:

Is it not Jem'Hadar? Because it looks an awful lot like Jem'Hadar.

You're not wrong at all. Ehm was Much's flagship lady for a while, but then upstarts Roncon and Angela Dohrmann really made their power plays.

Oh I had a Roncon thing too, absolutely. Just trying to stay era-appropriate!

Thought that was 4AD for a second, which would have made for an odd, but not incorrect comparison. Now I miss Dead Can Dance.

Theresa Roncon came slightly later. Erica Ehm is who you're thinking of.

When you choose to adapt "Hamlet" into a children's movie, you have to make certain sacrifices. Incestual overtones out, bestiality overtones in.

Accidental anal sex is extremely unlikely. Accidental anal penetration—it's dark, things are slippery, maybe alcohol is involved—is ridiculously common. Define your terms, people!

Me, I'm still waiting for Spring Heeled Jack, or for some Poe to make an appearance.

Gen X was the last one to live through pop monoculture. Sure, there were subsets of arcane stuff on the edges, but the obscurity was part of the point. For the most part we grew up during the strongest period of Boomer control over popular media, so we ended up knowing a lot of stuff about the Boomer canon, even if it

I do agree on that point. It's just finally there's a genuine progressive with courage and national traction, and I kind of want her to be everything.

She's entitled to her opinions, and they come out of a genuine frustration. A lot of democrats grew up all but assured that one day Hillary would be the first female president. To have that destiny even remotely interfered with must seem like more of the same old sexist bullshit.

I love Jen Kirkman's comedy.

The strength and power of Henry VIII turned into the slovenly debasement of Falstaff a long time ago. Being overweight has been cultural shorthand for a shameful lack of self-control since at least the mid-eighteenth century, sin manifested in the flesh. Today, you're either genetically predisposed to weight gain and

You guys each have great teams, but you overlook the Blue Jays at your peril.

And if negotiations fell through, he could always go out for Nathan Drake.

If a truly-in-love couple is waiting until marriage for penis-in-vagina sex, you'd think the time leading up to the Big Day should be positively riddled with oral and handies. Just months of frantic, frenzied action. If your fiance isn't going down on you before the wedding, they are certainly not going down on you

Middleditch is half-right about film comedy. Sure, there's a lot of fratty bullshit, but mostly we're at a low ebb right now because third acts aren't allowed to be funny. It's a problem in a lot of the Apatow movies too, and other filmmakers have learned the worst lesson from them. The lead always needs to realize

Two of the biggest 'mythic' moments of the book are botched in the films. Eowyn's reveal and Denethor's pyre are on par with Norse or Greek myth, but Jackson fails to sell the prophetic significance of Eowyn's act, and abandons Denethor's feyness in favour of having Gandalf straight up murder him.