I shot Gordon Pratt

I agree, with the caveat that the casting itself was practically perfect.

Cool. But never go with hippies to a second voting location.


It looks like smashing toys together in a sandbox. I can't wait for Snake Eyes, Optimus Prime, & my sister's Barbie to join in!

I agree, though Veronica Mars' "We Used To Be Friends" runs a very close second in my mind.

You what term I hate? 'Titties.' I didn't used to waste any energy hating the term because no one actually used it. But thanks to the ubiquity of porn, more and more people are treating it like a legit sexy term, and I just don't get it. It's simultaneously too ridiculous and childishly crude. It and the infamous

Yep. Crown Royal Northern Harvest. I can't vouch for it myself, but everyone I know who has tried it seems to really enjoy it. That said, whatever contest it won was probably total bullshit, elevating a decently drinkable whiskey into something absurd. I agree with a previous poster: if you're drinking it straight,

World history & geography.

That parrot was nailed to his perch for your sins.

I know he's a really funny dude, but I can't believe I never realized that Jon Hamm is clearly the new Leslie Nielsen. Someone get him on an Airplane or Naked Gun instalment right now. In fact, I would trust those franchise reboots by Wain, Corddry, & the CH creative team.

Yep. And if that cake had had chocolate icing, we'd be having a very different conversation about the movie!

'The Revenant' is much more like watching someone play Skyrim for the first time.

"Vacant" is a great, unique way to describe Seinfeld! Why, with your penetrating insight, it's a shame the creators can't go back in time and explicitly market it as a "show about nothing."

Obscure was the exact word I've been looking for to describe Seinfeld. How else to discuss a show which repeatedly handled such topics as breaking up with a girlfriend, being lazy and hating your job? Totally obscure.

Many other words in this piece, but all I read was "FUCK YOU, CANADA" over and over and over again.

What would be the ironic foreshadowing scene in your biopic?

What's the best way technology is changing [film/television/music/etc] today?

Internet culture is not life, it is literally text. In real life, all the social construction arguments and theories that fascinate students prove to be mostly impracticable. But on the internet that stuff can live on and on and on.

I love my family and close friends. I like most individuals. I even still hold out hope for humanity.

I can't wait to be frustrated that I can't watch any of this in Canada!