I shot Gordon Pratt

John Hodgman is my favourite; they seem like two sides of the same coin.

Drake is so clearly Nathan Fillion in Firefly. All the mass murder and property destruction and archaeological sins are supposed to get a pass because of a memory of residual charm.

The next villian/hero needs to be Spring-Heeled Jack!

Sadly, I think we just have to stop hoping to find nuance on the Internet. After all, it's -made- out of binary.

In life there are Tetris people and Jenga people. Jenga people thrive on chaos and tension, but fail to realize that infinite upward progress is unsustainable, and collapse is inevitable. Alternatively, Tetris people desperately crave order, but often find that their foundations vanish beneath then when stability

I always thought Tolkien intended the Wargs to the be the fifth army; they seem to have a bit more intelligence in The Hobbit than they do in LOTR.

Normally online discussions mandating inclusion seem like insincere content-churn, but in this documentary the almost total lack of black comedians seemed pretty significant. I mean, black comedy is an important part of the stand-up world, and it's a demographic that might have important things to say about misery's

Now they are. You just had to open that box, didn't you?

Maybe playing a Canadian for so long has made him incapable of saying no to Americans. It would be rude.

Sadly, no. I just looked, and almost everything Newsradio-related is now pay-for-play.

Normally at a time like this I'd ask you for advice, and you'd say
something that would make no sense at all, but somehow it would all fit
together. Like, I would tell you, "Sir, I have a problem."
And you'd say, "Well, what is it?"
And I'd say, "Well sir, Lisa wants to have a baby, but she doesn't want to get married."

The most ridiculous thing about that movie is that Gosling's character takes such great pains to disguise his identity, but continues to wear the world's most distinctive jacket.

I'm sure that's next week's installment. You gotta ration the content, you know!

I posted my thoughts about Lester later in the thread, but I'll make my case here as well:

A lot of good picks here, but not a lot of people going to bat for Lester Freamon. He's supernaturally competent, respectful of women, his superiors and his job. But he's not his job. He has hobbies, he's patient, he's a "gentlemen never tell" kind of ladykiller, and he can operate with tweedy impertinence or as Cool

Tompkins. It's Tompkins! Or when in doubt, just go with PFT.

It probably won't be as good as it's prime. What could? But it will still probably be pretty good. This is just a guess, though, because I LIVE IN CANADA AND MY STUPID CANADIAN EYES AREN'T ALLOWED TO SEE YOUR PRECIOUS NEW SHOW, YAHOO.

Hoe of Destruction, bitches.

Once again the Maritimes get boned. How much lower do gas prices have to get before Halifax starts getting decent shows again?

Bah. This is a great resource and all, but the Ultima selection is way too thin. Back to DOSBox, I guess!